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'How was it?' Lia asked when we met on the way to school, it was a Friday, the next day we would not meet, and then on Sunday we would meet at church and have teachings about the Bible with other kids. She would speak clearly and only when necessary, I learned a lot with her, how to think and talk. 'Feels good?' She asked, laughing. 'Seeing it go away?' She laughed very loudly and excitedly.

'How do you know if it is done?' I asked, smiling. 'Was you there?' I was a bit suspicious.

'No, I do respect your privacy. Your business is your business. I will never interfere.' We kept walking together.

'You are another person, when you do what you have done, you turn into another person, another type of human. Instead of being weak and always being used by these insects, from now on, you are the one who kills it, but they still think that they are above you, until the day you can surprise them. I love it.' She spoke. 'My mum says that there is nothing wrong with looking weak. But it is wrong to accept that it is fine to be weak.' She touched my shoulder. 'I will help to be strong. Do not worry. For now, take it.' She gave me a bottle with something inside. 'You do not need to know what it is. Has a long name, you will not understand anyway.' She explained.

'What is it made of?' I asked.

'It is made of frog saliva and some tree extracts.' I helped my mum to make it. She said that is totally safe, but make sure not to go to the wrong person. It will first blind him, then paralyse his body, but do not kill straight away, it will disappear the first effects, then he will start having hallucinations, and after a few hours of pain his heart will explode. Doesn't it seem fun?' Lia laughed proud of her explanation. 'Wow... and there is a surprise that you will love it, so stay until the end.' She winked at me while smiling.

It was a hot day as always. But instead of going to school we got ready to do something else all day. I came back about 4pm, went to help my mom with dinner and the kids.

'Fuck, where is Pedro?' My dad was upset. 'He should be here before night. Why is he not here?' My father went out again, looking in Pedro's house direction, sure that he went there a few times looking for his brother. 'Did you see him yesterday?' He asked my mum.

'No, I was out fishing almost all day. Ask Yuna.' She said while doing the dishes. I was folding our old clothes to put in the box near the cooking fire.

'No, I think that he was here before I came from school, but I'm not so sure.' 'What about if I go with you instead of Uncle Pedro?' I made a suggestion. While leaving the clothes and walking to him.

His eyes did light up. 'Yes, why not? We do not need to share our meat with Pedro, right?' He laughed. I guess I had a plan. 'Should I make you drinks?' My mom said while shaking. I am not sure what she was scared of the most. Of me not returning or me usurping her place.

'Mother? I can do it.' I said firmly, so she could get what I meant. She did. I never called her mother, only mum, she knew I had something else to do. ' You stay here with the kids, keep yourself warm and I'll bring something for you for tomorrow's dinner.' I said at the time I touched her hand and pressed it. She pressed my hand back and in a very serene and mute voice she said. 'Do you need help?' She knew what the plan was. I think she knew about Pedro as well. Did she see the body perchance? Or did she see me doing it? I left to worry about it later.

'Just prepare his dinner and say goodbye, so won't have any regrets.' She agreed. He was outside getting his hunting equipment together. I got him water and put all the portions that Lia gave me earlier that morning in his water bottle, the one he would take to go hunting. 'Father drinks water as well.' I said in a submissive voice.

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