Just cut it to pieces!

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"Can you come back home earlier?" I texted Toni. While still eating my ice-cream. When I was done I called a cab, it was safer than driving my car. When I arrived at our flat Toni was already waiting for me.

"Hi. I was already at home when you texted, I left work earlier to work in my studio. " he said while finishing his coffee. I went straight to the sofa and sat beside him.

"Baby, don't be shocked but I got in real trouble and we have to leave the country as soon as possible, change our names and start a new life." The words coming out of my mouth sounded fuck stupid and nonsense to myself. But we did have a lot of time. Any time Lia could come in to us. "Just listen to me. If we stay we will put our life in danger. Okay? You get it?" I told Toni while in total despair. I didn't fear Lia for me, but for the baby inside me and the man who somehow I started loving.

"What are you talking about? Is it about the call from last night? We can't just move like this. No, we have to call the police if someone is threatening you, honey. Just tell me who this person is. Okay?" He said in an angry voice. "I heard her, she is crazy , we can't just leave like this, are you crazy too?" He asked, trying to persuade me to come to reality.

"You don't know her, she is a monster. I'm a monster too. But she is stronger and she can kill us anytime. I heard from her. She was coming soon, but first for mother." I said in a very dramatic note.

"What?" Toni said. "And who is her mother?" He asked as he never heard us talking about her.

"Mrs. Kobayashi, once we were like sisters, but she was caught selling drugs and she killed more than 10 of the people out of revenge. She wants to kill her mother for leaving her in prison, but she is out now, I don't know how. She is dangerous, a killing machine."

"No, it doesn't make sense, how I never heard you talking about it?" Toni asked even more angry.

"Toni, can't you see that I'm talking seriously? Our lives are at risk." I said.

"No, it does not make any sense. What have you done to her? What happened between you two?" He was holding my hands this time.

"I can't just leave my life, my family and my work and the studio, what you are asking is insane." He explained.

"Okay, you can stay." I said.

I got angry and left. If he did not want to listen to me it was his problem. Not mine. I loved him, but my child inside me was the most important thing in that moment in my life.

One week has passed and nothing really happened, as if she was playing us first. We all tried to look for her, to know what she really had been doing, we could not find a thing. All I discovered about her was that she had escaped prison after a rebellion in the prison with thousands of others, hundreds of them were killed by the security, and the security and police were killed as well. She was one of the leaders of the group and found her way out, and since she had found freedom many other people who was related to her was found dead, all of them was killed in total brutality, the killer always used knife and machetes, but I knew that that wasn't her style, she wanted to give a message to others, that she had changed and for worse, before she did not care about other opinions, now she did.

Mrs. Kobayashi, my mom and my sisters left the city of São Paulo and went away, I had no clue where it could be. But they knew that they could not hide for real, Lia was prepared to find anything at any place in the world, especially some people like them, so specific. Two Asian ladies with two teenagers.

I should have felt betrayed as well, but I could not. What I should do was protect my family, and that counted even as dying for them. About contacting them, I did not even bother, I knew that I was not supposed to find them, but I knew for sure that they had this backup plan for the whole time.

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