I wanna it BIG.

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After deciding of getting a husband to me, I knew that I had to get a good reputation, so when going out with colleagues from work I would not find people to just have sex, I would pretend of having another type of morals, as maybe I could find my husband at work, or someone related to someone from work. I learned at a young age that everything in life has a price tag, everything, and if you wish for something, you should be ready to pay for it. So I started faking my dreams, my past a bit more and got serious at the gym.

I spent hours on Tinder also, every day I would receive tens of matches, but no one did catch my eyes as Phillip, in his profile he was simple, only told his age, that he wanted kids, had dogs and worked at a supermarket as a manager, okay. He was almost handsome, but what made my decision was his picture with his family, his grandad's black dog and the fact he also liked writing and took the course of Literature and theatre in the university. I guessed that he would be a sensible man and would respect our kids if they wanted things different from wanting to be a Doctor or Lawyer, so I kept talking to him and after six days texting and a few calls we decided to meet. As I told him that my favourite food was Asian, he called me to go to a sushi restaurant. I agreed, as they had ramen as well.

For the day I got dressed in a baby blue dress, very romantic, and to complete the look I did wear black boots. My hair was fresh washed too, I wanted him, so the next step would be to meet his family if the first meeting was successful. We met in front of the St. James Park, near the Big Ben if you know a bit of London City I am sure that you know this Park.

I went by bus, I left the bus and went walking looking for him, he told me he was sitting near the coffee shop in the Park and was wearing a red t-shirt, as it was summer, too hot for more clothes. From a bit far I already saw a big man looking like a giant pumpkin, as his red t-shirt wasn't red for sure, it was orange. I guess we could see colours in a totally different way. I thought that this would be okay, to see the world in a different colour.

"Hi, how are you?" I told while approaching him and surprised he looked at me and stood very quickly. Then I could see that his teeth were a bit damaged too. He was a bit overweight, different from the picture. And his hair wasn't his fault, but his hair was extremely orange, his beard was orange too. But the fact that his hair and beard wasn't polished was his fault. I felt so bad for myself, I spent hours getting ready, choosing the dress, the boots and washing my hair, while he did nothing, just got on a train after waking up to meet me, no effort. I wanted to get away at that exact time, but I had a plan. I could take him to get a shower and lose a bit of weight if he could show me some hope. So, I decided to stay and observe him a bit more.

"Hi, I'm okay. I just got here. How are you?" He asked. Before I could answer he said. "Want a coffee?" He said pointing to the coffee shop truck parking inside the Park. Had a few people in the line already.

"Yes!" I said. "Thanks a lot!" We took the queue.

I saw that he was sweating, his body and hands, maybe because it was too hot, it was almost midday and in summer and I think that it was about 35 degrees that day. I asked for a frappuccino and he asked for Iced coffee. Then we walked a bit to the lagoon direction to see ducks swimming on it. Both were too shy to talk too much. I think that he was surprised that I was so pretty, maybe a bit more than in my Tinder profile, while he was a total fake.

"Our reservation is at 12:00, they are already open, do you want to go to the restaurant now? Are you hungry already? It's not far from here, about 10 minutes walking." He spoke without giving pause, he was extremely nervous, I thought that it was cute. So I started enjoying his company for a bit.

"Okay, let's walk while we drink it." I said smiling pretending to be shy, so it would make his heart beat faster. "So, what are you thinking about the App?" I asked about the App, we met through.

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