Time skip

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A/N: If anyone hasn't noticed yet, I like angst. Not even particularly the comfort that comes after, no, the pain and suffering. So please keep in mind your time in Kara is horrible and you don't like it there :)

Just wanted to remind y'all, hope you enjoy the story!

"Happy birthday to me..." I muttered as I walked back from the training hall. My attempted escape with Kawaki was around 6 years ago. Today was my 15th birthday. It was late at night and my training with Jigen had just ended.

My body ached. I was stronger than I was 6 years ago, but Jigen was still way too strong for me. I entered the bathroom and walked to the sink. I let the water run and cupped my hands underneath the tap.

I splashed the water in my face. I looked up in the mirror. My body was covered in bruises, wounds and scars from training. It has been just as tough as it was when I just came here. The only thing different was that I had changed my mindset.

The positive little girl is gone, and she's never coming back. My only goal was to live through this place or die trying. I preferred the second option, but I never had the courage to do it myself.

I still refused to sleep. It was the only piece of my life I could control myself. I walked back to my room. I had mastered the art of stealth a couple years ago; I was already really good at it when I was young.

However, now even the Inners couldn't notice me most times. It was fun to sneak up on people. If fun is what I think fun means, of course. The Outers would have no idea I am right behind them, unless they see me or I announce myself.

They still despise me. I can hear all of the rumors. But they are also scared of me, I have grown stronger. Much stronger. I have nature energy fully under control, now. The side effects never disappeared nor decreased, though.

I changed my clothes and sat on my bed. My only way of coping with things was escapism. I had a wide imagination and good visionary skills. I imagined scenarios in every reality except this one. I hate this reality.

I imagined going to space with my friends. They all had no faces; I couldn't think of any. I imagined celebrating my birthday with my parents. They also had no faces. I imagined a little farm, on a hill. Bright blue skies. Fields full of the beautiful flowers I saw in books.

I imagined people with powers. Vampires. Apocalypses. Magic. Aliens. Different realities. Whatever you think of, I've imagined. There wasn't much else to do, anyway.

I noticed I was getting sleepy, so I decided to walk around the hide-out. I knew it was a big risk, but I didn't mind. I concealed my presence and left my room. I walked around aimlessly, hiding every time I saw someone. Which was not a lot.

I eventually heard multiple voices coming from a room. I immediately stopped walking and listened carefully. It was Jigen and Amado. I couldn't get their exact words but I knew what they were saying.

The Vessel had reached phase 3 and had to be transported. Meaning that Kawaki was still alive! Though he might leave the hide-out soon. But he was alive! That was the only thing that really mattered, for now at least.

I then noticed other footsteps coming towards the room, from my direction. Well, more like 1 footstep and 1 tick of wood on the stone floor. Victor. 'I have to get out of here. Now!' I thought, before quickly walking away, hiding myself as best as I could.

My mind was racing. 'Kawaki had reached phase 3? What does that mean? Does it have something to do with the Karma? Why is he getting transported? Where is he getting transported to? Where is he getting transported in?' All questions I had no answer for.

At least not now. I had to find the answers, and quick. I knew Amado was in that room, talking to Jigen and apparently Victor. That meant his office was empty. As far as I knew, Boro and Deepa weren't at the hide-out.

Code and Delta were sparring in one of the training halls, as they always did around this time. I could safely enter Amado's office. If I was quick enough, that is. Kara had no camera's in office's, so I didn't have to worry about that.

After a couple minutes I stood in front of the door. I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, taking a deep breath. My hands were shaking, this was a bad idea. Still, I had no time to lose and opened the door.

The room was indeed empty. The desk full of papers, medical equipment everywhere and a bright lamp in the ceiling. I quickly made my way to the desk and looked at the papers. Most of it were simple reports, missions and statistics of individuals.

Mine were also between them. I quickly glanced at them. They were mostly strengths, weaknesses and health stuff. What caught my eye was a little note at the bottom of the page.

"Extremely valuable. After the plan is completed, she will be taken to the Otsutsuki with me and bear an heir. She will enter phase 3 soon and obtain Otsutsuki blood to be accepted into the family."

My stomach turned. 'Did I read that correctly? What the hell is an Otsutsuki? And bearing an heir?! I think tf not!' Phase 3 is supposed to be soon. I have to know about Kawaki and his transportation, I have to get out of here. I'll hitch a ride with him.

I already knew escaping was impossible, but any punishment was better than whatever was in store for me. I quickly put my paper back and looked through the rest. I could feel Amado leaving the room with my nature energy.

I frantically continued to look for any information on Kawaki. Amado was getting closer. 'Come on...! Just a little piece. Anything!' I thought. But it was in vain. The doctor was getting too close. I had to get out of there.

I made sure to put everything back the way it was before I slipped out of the door and hid in a hallway. Just as Amado passed, walking into his office, I could hear him muttering. "-w soon until the airship can leave? A week? Maybe a-"

Was all I could pick up on, before he was out of my reach. An airship, huh. And leaving in around a week. Well, it was at least a little information. I guess I had gotten a birthday present after all... 

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