Chapter 15: Close

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To Levi's surprise, Erwin did not start panicking. Instead, he stood still, his blue eyes set on the small man.

Suddenly, the merman dropped on his knees and let out a sigh.

"You are alive," he whispered with a smile that seemed a bit inappropriate. He could not help it, though. He felt so relieved.

"Yes, I am. Now, if you would be so kind, get these off," the raven commanded, stretching his cuffed hands towards him.

"I can't," the blond sighed.

"You came here without preparation? Are you completely sick?" the raven growled, controlled by rage.

"Unfortunately," he admitted, lying, of course. He could not be sure whether Zeke was not listening.

"But I'm glad I found you," he added and crawled towards the raven. "And it even seems you won't die in near future. He plans to keep you, that's good."

"You gone crazy without me or what? I don't want to spend rest of my life with that psychopath..."

"At least you are going to live long. The same cannot be said about me..." the blond fell silent, unable to look at his roommate.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think he locked me here for?" Erwin's tinder voice filled the unpleasant atmosphere. His words were followed by silence.

The merman knew Levi was about to kill him just now. After all, he was no longer mumbling, his voice was suddenly firm and sentences a lot longer. He was playing a friend while trying to get Erwin within his reach. He did it many times before and with time the merman learned to recognize.

"Well, he can't let you go now that you know about me..." the raven found another reasonable reason.

"He let me here for you to eat me," Erwin interrupted him harshly. "We both know it, so stop wasting time and get started."


The merman could swear he heard his own beating heart. It was pumping blood in belief it could do the same thing a few minutes later as well. How foolish.

"I can't," vampire's whisper full of pain rang in Erwin's ears.

"Why not?" the blond asked with dry voice. "Don't you love me?"

"What does love have to do with this?" Levi spat, to Erwin's pleasure, not denying anything.

"Vampires usually want to drink blood of those closest to them."

"That's disgusting..."

"It might be, but it's the truth..."

"I won't hurt you. I won't," the vampire interrupted him with a promise. As the blond looked at him, he saw all the struggle not to do something the raven would regret. The urge to eat and live was fighting the desire to keep his loved ones safe.

"You are right, you won't hurt me," Erwin provided his roommate assurance he needed. The merman wanted to move closer, hug and caress the poor creature. But he did not. Physical contact was in this situation nothing more than an unwanted teasing.

"You know, until now, I haven't actually realized just how weak mermen and mermaids are," the raven chuckled, lying on his back and eyeing the ceiling.

"I'll tell you that the next time you are drowning," the blond said with amused tone as well.

"Someone is on the roof," Levi suddenly noticed. "Is it the crazy witch?"

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