Chapter 7: Ackermans

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"When will my transformation be over?" Levi asked during breakfast at 9 AM.

"After you turn into a bat for the first time," Erwin answered, eating his colorful cereals.

"What? Didn't you say it's one of the special abilities a vampire may gain?"

"I indeed did. However, turning into a bat is considered to be an important milestone. Once you reach it, you are officially a vampire capable of surviving and you won't need me anymore," Erwin explained, acting strangely cold.

"No way! What will I do without...?" Levi let his mouth speak before his head could think. He managed to stop his tongue, however, it did not help him that much. It was easy for Erwin to finish the sentence in his head.

"I am truly sorry, but I cannot babysit you for the rest of your life," the merman sort of apologized, still more focused on his food than on Levi.

"Where will I live?"

"On the same place you used to till that day," the blond man answered his desperate question with stone face. The raven did not say anything. He was thinking, his eyes narrowed.

"I can't go back to that dump. I can't live in the same apartment without Furlan and Isabel. I can't walk the streets where they died..." His eyed widened. He got a brilliant idea. "On the other hand, I would love to meet the ones who took their lives. Oh, I will meet them. I will find them. I will avenge my family no matter what."


Since Levi received real human blood, his wild thirst disappeared. Therefore, he was finally able to attend his classes. They took place in a huge underground hall, which looked like a gym because of its equipment. All desks and chairs were gathered in the corner, the rest of the hall was meant for training.

"Today, we welcome a new student in our class, Levi Ackerman," a tall instructor spoke up, standing in front of his pupils. His brown eyes were fixed on a person seated at the last desk. Everyone else turned around to see the object of instructor's attention. A small black-haired man.

"We also welcome Mister Smith, who will be my assistant for a while," the instructor continued, tilting his head in Erwin's direction. He was leaning against a wall, observing all kinds of vampires. When they all looked at him, he smiled gently like the true angel he was.

Levi was glad the instructor introduced Erwin as his assistant and not Levi's nanny. He was already feeling awkward. It did not escape his attention a few other vampires started whispering to one another upon lying their eyes on the handsome merman.

"Gossiping geese," Levi thought to himself.

Once the instructor dismissed the students, they began their training. Levi, however, did not move. He was simply looking at the instructor in belief he had something to say. He was a new student after all.

"My name is Keith Shadis," the instructor introduced himself while leaning over Levi's desk, trying to intimidate him. "I have started training young vampires long before you were even born. I have encountered so many students I have already divided them into groups and learned to recognize each type at first sight. And I can tell that you, Ackerman, are a troublemaker. But do not worry, I will handle you and teach you how to become a true vampire. Now, let's get started."

Shadis opened Levi's file and read a few information before looking at the small vampire again.

"When was the last time you weigh yourself?" the man asked, measuring his new student up.

"Last week when I came here."

"Mr. Smith did not weigh you?" the instructor could not believe.

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