Chapter 3: Surprise

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After dinner, Erwin decided he would inform his roommate about the process of transformation in more detail. He sat on the couch next to the small man with a book in his hands. Levi gave him a puzzled look.

"Did you enjoy the dinner?" Erwin tried to have small talk before going straight to the business. Levi found it annoying.

"Don't bother to act friendly, you're terrible at it. Just tell me what you need," the raven urged, being harsh once again. The blond man was used to this kind of treatment as long as he had been working with different kind of people for a while. Therefore, Levi's attitude did not affect him.

"I now shall explain what will happen in following days with your body so you won't be surprised," Erwin did not waste breath anymore, just like Levi asked him to, and opened the book on the coffee table, so they both could see the pages.

"The whole process should take from ten to fourteen days. During this time, you will lose any interest in eating human food. You will be willing to eat only raw meat or to drink human blood. Your sleeping routine should modify as well, you will find it more natural to sleep during day. The biggest change will be in a form of magical core that you shall receive at the end of the first week."

"Magical what?"

"Magical core. It's a source of all the magic creatures like us use," the blond man explained, flipping pages to a sketch of the said core. However, Levi completely ignored the picture.

"Creatures like us, huh?" he hissed, irritation bubbling in him once again.

"Problem?" Erwin asked, furrowing his brows. Despite meeting a lot of people who hated magical creatures, he still got offended when he got to meet one of them.

"I just don't want to be a freak. I am already weird enough," the raven whispered, anger covering his sadness and fear. Luckily for him, Erwin was able to see right thought him. Once the blond got to know reasons behind one's behavior, it was hard for him to get mad at them.

"You are weird? Why would you think that?" he asked, fighting the urge to take his notebook and start taking notes.

"Because my life has been a mess so far," he explained, being a lot less specific than Erwin would like.

"And what does that mean?" he urged him to continue.

"I don't intend to share that with you," Levi hissed and took a sip from the tea Erwin made for him. Surprisingly, his stomach did not mind the bitter liquid.

"All right," Erwin accepted his decision, yet knowing Levi would have to come out of his shell eventually. "Let's get back to the magical core. As I have already stated, it's a source of all the power a magical creature can use. All magical creatures have it, however, they are not the same. For example, witches have in general bigger and more productive magical core than mermaids." The blond man then flipped the page and continued to talk about Levi's future potential abilities:

"If you exercise your magical core enough by casting spells, you should be able to accomplish special types of skills. For example, an ability to turn into a bat.

That brings me to your training. You will attend it every day at 3 PM. I'll be there as well to watch over you. Apart from me, there will be a specialized instructor, who will help you to control your power."

Erwin then talked for an hour straight, while Levi did not bother to pay too much attention. Despite Erwin's lively speech, the raven was not able to remember anything. He just felt way too tired all of a sudden. It was when he yawned Erwin realized Levi would be fatigued more than usually these days. His body was changing, and that required a lot of energy.

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