Chapter 14: Locked

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Three days passed since Levi was kidnapped and his friends still didn't find him. Erwin was irritated more and more by every hour they spent searching without any results. His worries were making him go insane.

"We are too slow," he growled on their way to another location. It was getting late, and streets were empty. 

"We are as fast as we can be," Hange mumbled, focused on her small magical mirror. "Look, there are only few places for us to check. Plus, I am sure Levi is still fine. He is tough."

"At least that's what we would like to think," he snapped. "But everyone is vulnerable, even him. Don't forget the man has some plans for him."

"I know! I'm just trying to calm you down. We are doing the best we can. Therefore, if something indeed had happened to him, it means we couldn't prevent it," the doctor explained and looked up from the map at the merman. "It has something to do with Ackermans, doesn't it?"

"Most likely. There are still people obsessed with their power," the merman said with disgust. These people were nothing more than a nuisance he now had to get rid of.

"I have never seen you this determent," she made a playful remark, lightning the mood a bit. "You really care about this small vampire..."

"Of course. He is my client. I promised to keep him safe until his transformation is over," the merman said, knowing the argument was not valid. He knew the vampire had already turned into a bat, ending his training. However, Erwin did not tell anyone, and Levi didn't as well. But why?

"Because he wants to stay with me. It might be for the free food, feeling of safety," Erwin thought to himself, secretly hoping the main reason was something else.

"But you do like him more than just a patient, right?" the witch kept on asking questions, making Erwin focus on something else than the unsuccessful mission.

"Hange, that would be extremely unprofessional," he said, truly insulted. He cherished his professionality more than anything.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean it can't happen! Erwin, you might be a doctor, but you are a human being as well. If you developed certain feelings towards your client, then it can't be helped."

"Actually, it can. I'll just not say anything until he leaves," he said harshly, knowing it would hurt Levi if he heard him.

"But you don't really want him to leave, right? Afterall, you haven't confronted him yet..."


"I am a witch. I know things," Hange smirked mischievously. Erwin kept on eyeing her in complete shock, and so she provided further explanation. She did not want to stress him even more: "You were thinking about him already maturing without anyone noticing. Your thoughts were so loud I couldn't help but to hear them."

"Please, don't tell anyone," he started with the most important thing.

"I won't. However, you must tell me what you think about Levi. And please, for your own good, be honest," Hange demanded, trying not to cross the line. She didn't intent to be nosey. She only wanted to help Erwin with his dilemma.

"Fine, I do like him. Something about Levi makes me want to protect him at all cost," he confessed and let out a sigh. "I want him to stay with me because I can't imagine being alone again. I simply wish he would lie on my couch every afternoon when I come home from work. I want to cook for him and seeing he likes it. I must be the one to comfort him if something bad happens."

"You are head over heels for him!" Hange could not believe. Erwin finally opening up was touching for her. "Now I am even more motivated to find him. We simply must, in the name of love!"

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