Chapter 12: Attic

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"Insane Eagle, return," Erwin called for Hange through his earpiece, smirking. Just as he predicted. A back-up. However, there were a few miscalculations. For instance, the back-up was supposed to be couple of vampires and not a single wizard.

His thoughts were so loud it took him a moment to realize Hange was not responding.

"Insane Eagle, return and confirm the command," the merman whispered once again, his eyes still set on the stranger. A blond young man with beard and round glasses. He was wearing casual clothes. Unlike the two vampires, he didn't look fancy.

Because of the many differences between the wizard and the vampires Erwin considered the possibility of them not working together. On the other hand, what was the possibility of two different groups of people carrying out a same plan in a same night?

"The sun is about to rise," the blond stranger spoke up, his voice calm. "I suppose you planned to use day light if vampires had been too hard to handle. That's also reason why you came here at this hour. Am I right?"

He did not receive any response. Both men were too confused to answer.

"Don't bother to call your friends again, they won't hear you," he advised Erwin, then looked at Levi. "Now, if you excuse me, I'll take what I came here for."

He took a few steps towards the small vampire before Erwin fired at him, bullet hitting a wall behind the wizard.

"You still have one? Well, it won't help you given your terrible aim," the wizard made fun of him before he took the hidden gun from him too. To his surprise, another gunshot cut thought the air.

"You gave your slave a gun too? How adorable!" the stranger laughed, holding his injured arm.

"Shut up and don't move. Erwin, take your stuff," Levi hissed, pointing his gun at the bearded blond.

"You must be the most adorable Ackerman I have met!" the wizard said with a smile. Before Erwin knew it, he was closed in a huge bubble without a way to get out.

"Sick fucker! Let him go!" Levi shouted, pressing the gun at stranger's forehead. Despite the danger he was in, he was still smiling when he said:

"If you come with me, I'll."

"You are not in a position to set your own conditions!"

"Am I not? Look around, darling! All your comrades are imprisoned, and you have no way to free them. The only one who can do that is me. Do you get it now?" he whispered, leaning toward him, despite the pressed gun.

"You...!" the vampire fell silent. He was thinking whether he was truly unable to help Erwin.

"I hate hesitation," the stranger sighed, and the bubble started getting smaller, leaving less and less oxygen for Erwin to breath.

"Stop it!" the raven cried out and the wizard did with a satisfied smirk. Levi clenched his teeth. He knew he had no choice.

He looked at Erwin, the grey eyes telling him he should not worry. They both had the tracking spell casted upon them. Hange will be able to find him no matter where the wizard takes him.

"Fine, but free him before we go," Levi requested, lowering his gun. To his surprise, the stranger agreed. The bubble disappeared and so did the wizard and the vampire a second later. The raven did not even get a chance to say goodbye.

They appeared in a narrow ally, hidden in shadows of tall buildings. The sun was already rising, the main street was already bathing in golden light. There were not many places where the vampire could go.

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