What you need to know before reading

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Hi! So glad you decided to give this story a read!
So there's a few things you need to know before getting into the story, plot and convenience wise.

Firstly, this story is designed to be a nice, quick read, so chapters aren't huge—and yeah I know the plot isn't great—so this I apologise for

As I have already completed the story, Updates will most likely be twice a week, exact days to be decided. The cover is temporary but will probably end up staying because I'm lazy, so take it or leave it lol.

Okay. Changes.

I'll start with How To Train Your Dragon

If you haven't seen it, what's the name of the rock you live under??? lol.

If you actually haven't seen it, I strongly suggest going and watching the movies at least cause they are amazing. (And then maybe rob/dof, and RTTE. Don't bother with anything else like rescue riders or the nine realms, they're 💩 and as part of the Httyd fandom we don't talk about those... )

To reiterate, This book will have spoilers.

Ok, you good now?
Good! so, pretty much everything is staying the same! Since there's inconsistencies between the series and the movies, I decided to 'fix' them:

          * Viggo has no influence on the Zippleback gas in Inferno. (This is less of a consistency fix and more of me thinking Hiccup should get A L L the spotlight lol.)

         * there was no Bewilderbeast appearance—including the egg.

        *Heather will not be making an appearance in this fic (I low-key hate her and she's unimportant) but she might be mentioned

            *Hiccup kept his ornate shield (still don't know where that went. Did he lose it in the RTTE finale???)

Ok, now that's sorted, let's do The Hidden World. Since it broke my heart, I decided to fix it! Because ignorance is bliss.

The Hidden World:

—most events are still happening, but I needed to change a few things in order for the Light Fury to fit in and not be hated (by me mostly)

I'll spare you the details, but basically the Light Fury is more trusting to the humans, which was achieved through patience and hard work. She lives in THW. BY THE WAY: Imagine her without the stupid characteristics like glitter 😒 (I could write an essay about her looks). Her tail is still the same tho.

               * following the final battle, the only major thing that's different is that, with the threat of Grimmel gone and the security of a new location, the dragons STAY with the Berkians!
             * Toothless can come and go between new berk and the hidden world as much as he wants. He tends to go to THW every couple of weeks, for up to maybe 4 or 5 days. (like a kid with split parents lmao)
              * Toothless likes his automatic tail when alone at THW, but prefers the 'manual' one with Hiccup cause bonding ect.


However, the story will pick up about a year since settling New Berk for convenience reasons.

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