24; Over the sun, under the rain

Começar do início

Irene can't remember how long they have been seated there, listening to the rain fall and increase, feeling the cool wind easily push through the walls of their shelter. It's not until Isaac sighs and shudders that Irene is finally snapped out of her thoughts. She looks to the side, closely inspecting her brother who doesn't even notice. Looks for any bruises, any changes. She doesn't see anything bad, but she does see differences. Doesn't know what to think about them. He's at a healthier weight now, his eyes don't look so tired and sad as they used to. The excessive paleness of his cheeks has eased out. There are no small cuts or bruises on his skin like there used to be, his hands are rather soft than rough and his hair looks fluffy and smoother rather than hardened from the salt water.

He looks better now, and Irene is sure that she does too. Well, she used to look better. For these past two or three days she has returned to her usual look. Bags under the eyes, a tired look, slumped and unsure posture, lips bitten raw and dry, and of course the bruises around her neck and wrists, bruises on her back and knees. Bruises and bruises, just like before. So maybe it's only Isaac that looks better, but Irene knows that they have both had their fare share of good experiences on this island. She really did consider living here for the rest of her life, just a few days ago. And now she's already planning on what to do when they return home, what work needs to be done and what people she needs to see.

Hopefully nobody has noticed that she was the one who stole and broke that random man's boat. That could cause problems.

Conveniently, that's exactly the topic that makes Isaac say something.

"How did you follow me"

The familiar language hits them like a brick wall. Irene has to take a deep and calming breath before even trying to formulate an answer. She looks up at the ceiling, recalling every moment and everything she did before coming here. Before coming to this exact point and this exact question. At the time, she honestly didn't think she'd ever see Isaac again. She thought he was dead, was sure that her last family member was dead. And yet, the drive to search for him was bigger than her pessimism.

"I waited three days, then I stole a boat and went searching for you"

Irene finds it hard to formulate the words of her native tongue. It feels unfamiliar, yet familiar on the same time. She's missed it. Missed directly knowing what to say, missed pronouncing everything correctly and people understanding her and missed formulating sentences and understanding what everyone is saying without having to think about it too long. All of that seemed so far away, but now that it's in her grip again, Irene is sure that she never wants to loose it.

"You wouldn't have found me, the chances were against you, you should've stayed at home"

Isaac voices out the words that were earlier left unspoken. Irene sighs, doesn't look at him, but knows that her brother is staring directly at those marks around her neck. The ones she can still feel. Maybe he feels like Irene would never have been dragged into this if she hadn't followed him. He thinks, but knows that Irene would never have just sat in her home waiting for him forever. She's his older sister after all, and older siblings have responsibilities despite their gender or role in society.

Irene only smiles and pats him on the back after thinking in silence. She's not mad at him for expressing his concerns, she wouldn't have wanted Isaac to risk his life for her either. But the truth is, they would both sacrifice themselves for the other.

"But were the odds really against me? It seems like fate has lead both of us here. Maybe the gods are testing us, by making us go through all of these sick challenges?"

Isaac stays silent. Trembles a little. Thinks back to everything that happened and how disconnected from reality he feels. Is this real life? It's been a month and Isaac finally understands, he's felt so lost and confused this entire time, unconsciously he believed everything to be a dream.

A GODDESSES PARADISE (girlxgirlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora