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Adora spots Drissi sitting on a bench by the bay. Kayo stands not too far away.

Drissi stands up.

ADORA: You wanted to see me?

The two of them walk in the park, side-by-side.

DRISSI: I wanted to thank you for your help... Thanks to you, we can rest easy again. I've been thinking: If you're here, then that means the Horde is-

ADORA: Yeah.

Drissi chuckles, looking up at the sky.

DRISSI: So much has changed out there. To think we were never aware of it all. Perhaps it's time that we stopped hiding and opened ourselves to this new universe...

The two of them walk up to a bronze statue, and Adora's eyes widen.

ADORA: No way...

DRISSI: I had a feeling you might recognize her.

ADORA: Mara...

The two of them look at the statue of Mara, it's a memorial. The statue holds the Sword of Protection, planting it in the ground. The memorial rests beneath a massive tree.

DRISSI: This is where she was raised a millennia ago, before the Eternians took her, made her the next in a long line of pawns. But without her, and her sacrifice, Primus would have fallen at their hands as well.

Adora looks at Drissi, but Drissi continues to stare at the statue.

ADORA: How do you know so much about her?

DRISSI: Her story was passed down in my family for generations, hoping to keep her legacy alive, which now rests with me.

Drissi clasps Adora's hand, looking up at her.

DRISSI: Thank you...for bringing her back to us, and for keeping her legacy alive. You have a home here, on Primus. Come back any time you'd like. I would love to hear your story someday.

Adora squeezes Drissi's hand.

ADORA: Thank you. This means the world to me.


Teela sits in her chair. She makes a call on her ship's comms.

INFORMANT: Took you long enough to call back!

TEELA: My bad, things took a bit longer than expected.

INFORMANT: So how did it go?

TEELA: Your plan worked like a charm! You really came through for us today.

INFORMANT: It was nothing, really! I'm happy I could help...So what's this new She-Ra like?

Teela leans back in her chair.

TEELA: Shorter than I thought she'd be, but she's got a lot of heart. In a way, she's a lot like the stories we were told as kids, and then some. 

Teela pauses briefly.

TEELA: She's pretty cute too.

INFORMANT: Really...

Teela smiles, chuckling a bit.

TEELA: In fact, she kinda looks like you.

There's a knock on the cockpit door.

TEELA: I gotta go...

INFORMANT: Wait, what do you mean she-

Teela ends the call before the Informant can finish his sentence. 

The cockpit doors slide open. It's Catra and Glimmer. Teela swivels around in her seat.

TEELA: If it isn't Catgirl and Sparkles!

CATRA: Those aren't our names-

TEELA: I'll get it eventually, so what can I do for you guys?

Catra scowls.

GLIMMER: We wanted to apologize for not trusting you.

CATRA: You saved Adora back there, and we probably wouldn't have been able to beat that thing without you, so I guess you're okay.

TEELA: Right, well a deal is a deal isn't it? I said I'd help you guys, and I did. You don't have to apologize for anything.

GLIMMER: Well, we were wondering if you wanted to join us outside for a bit?



Adora and Bow lean on a railing at the edge of a pier overlooking the bay, watching the sunset.

Catra and Glimmer walk up to the railing, but Teela stands behind them. Adora turns around.

ADORA: You coming?

Teela hesitates for a moment, before walking to the railing, leaning against it.

BOW: So it looks like we've got another stop!

ADORA: I wonder what New-Eternia is really like?

Glimmer looks up at Teela.


Teela looks off at the sunset and sighs.

TEELA: Honestly, it's better that you see for yourself. It's a wonderful place, really.

Bow hugs all four of them. Teela smiles awkwardly.

BOW: The Best Friends Squad is going to Eternia!!!

All five of them stand at the pier, watching the sunset.


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