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A contemporary tower overlooks the entire city and sits at the edge of a lake.


DRISSI, an older woman in her 60s with brown skin, light brown hair, and grey eyes, sits at a desk within a large futuristic room on the top floor of the Tower.

The doors to the Chambers swing open, KAYO, a man in his mid-30s, tall, with short black hair and green eyes, enters the room.

KAYO: Senator?

Drissi sighs.

DRISSI: What is it, Kayo?

KAYO: There was a breach at the East Perimeter. A squadron of Sentries have apprehended the trespassers and will be bringing them here soon.

DRISSI: How soon?

An elevator dings.

Catra, Adora, Glimmer, and Bow exit the elevator, followed by the Sentries.

Drissi stands at her desk.

Glimmer and Adora bow before Drissi.

ADORA: Your Majesty...

Drissi and Kayo stare in confusion.

Catra facepalms.

Drissi gestures awkwardly.

DRISSI: Please don't, I'm not royalty.

Glimmer and Adora stand up straight, feeling kinda sheepish.

DRISSI: So, which one of you punched a hole in our barrier?

BOW: That would be me, Miss...

DRISSI: Drissi...Senator Drissi. Now, you understand that trespassing into Titus without prior clearance is against the law, correct? What Region are you all from?

ADORA: Region? Oh no, we're not from around here...this planet, I mean.

GLIMMER: We're from Etheria.

Drissi looks concerned.

DRISSI: Etheria?

GLIMMER: We're looking for planets with life, hoping to undo some of the damage caused by the Horde and restore magic on destroyed worlds...though it looks like you've already got it under control here.

DRISSI: I see...

BOW: How exactly did this place come to be? I thought the Horde wiped out life on most worlds. How did this one survive? And why do you all have both First One and Horde technology?

Drissi walks towards a balcony, staring out of it.

DRISSI: Our people have faced a great deal of hardship over the centuries. Before the Horde, there was another race of space-faring imperialists. They promised us a bright future, but they brought nothing but destruction. They nearly wiped us out, before we used their own technology against them, forcing them off-world.

Drissi then turns to the Best Friends Squad.

DRISSI: We saved ourselves from the Horde and the Eternians, we have no need for your partnership or your magic. You are free to roam Titus as honored guests, but please do not-

There is a rumbling noise outside, the entire office space shakes.

DRISSI: Not again... Wait here!



Drissi and Kayo step out of the Observatory and look at the barrier, which appears as if it is being breached in the distance.

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