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The sun begins to set outside the palace, as Adam guides Adora, Bow, Catra, and Glimmer along the hallway.

Adam gestures to a door.

ADAM: Over here you'll find...a room.

They continue to another doorway.

ADAM: Here you'll find...another room. This palace has a lot of rooms, I don't really know what they're for but they're there.

ADORA: I'm gonna go ahead and ask. How did you all survive?!

Adam turns to Adora, perplexed.

ADAM: Survive what?

ADORA: Horde Prime told us that the First Ones were wiped out a long time ago.

Adam laughs.

ADAM: Right, and when has the Horde ever said something that doesn't stroke his ego?

GLIMMER: No kidding!

BOW: So if you weren't wiped out, then what happened?

ADAM: It's a long story...My ancestors, "The Ancients", "Old-Eternians", or "First Ones" as you called them were spacefaring people. They mapped out every star, planet, and moon they could find. During their travels, they found a way to bend the forces of nature to their will, becoming gods of a power they never tried to understand.

Adam stops in front of a tattered, grey oil painting of robed beings kneeling beneath a muscular man with the letter "H" on his chest armor, and a glowing scepter in his hand. The face of this mystery hero is scratched out.

ADAM: Then, everything changed when they lost control of their first champion: She-Ra. The universe realized that The Ancients were never gods. They were nothing more than mortal men that abused powers beyond their control, and the universe descended into chaos. Eternia's champions fell one by one. And then, the Horde showed up.


Horde ships descend upon a world in flames. Cities burn, and ships in the air are blown out of the sky as people on the ground watch in horror and desperation.

ADAM: Roughly 90% of Eternia's population was wiped out in under a day-

Six spaceships fly above the carnage, and above the Horde ships, and into the void of space.

ADAM: -And those that survived were scattered among the stars.


Adam continues to walk along the long hallway, walking past a portrait of a massive First One's ship, landing on a lush green planet, as its passengers disembark.

ADAM: Eventually, the survivors found a planet beyond the Horde's reach and started from scratch. They cast aside their imperialist roots, and over the centuries they built a sanctuary for all people. This planet became New Eternia. We haven't laid hands on another planet or their resources ever since. Instead, we've been more focused on building a more sustainable infrastructure, and of course, monitoring the movements of the Horde-

Adam smiles smugly.

ADAM: -A problem you all were so kind as to handle on your own...

Adora also smiles smugly.

ADORA: Yeah, you're welcome...

Bow, Glimmer, and Catra watch in confusion and unease, even their smug grins are identical.

Finally, they reach two massive doors at the end of the hallway.

ADAM: And here we are.

The doors slowly swing open, and the group enters.

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