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INT. HORDAK'S LAB: A large, poorly lit laboratory with somewhat post-industrial architecture.

Entrapta and Hordak are sitting at a large computer, with at least sixteen different monitors displaying different content.

Glimmer, Adora, Catra, and Scorpia teleport behind them.

GLIMMER: Let me know what I miss!

Glimmer waves to everyone before teleporting away.

Entrapta swivels around in her chair.

ENTRAPTA: Oh hi guys! Catra said you were coming.

ADORA: So what is it you wanted to show us?

Entrapta slides to the monitors, Hordak still sits at the monitors.

ENTRAPTA: Since our previous call, Hordak and I were able to confirm our suspicions! There are signs of sentient life within a planetary body that should be accessible by Darla following the upgrades we're making currently.

While Entrapta is speaking, Scorpia and Adora nod their heads. They haven't a clue what's going on but they'll act like they do.

Hordak faces Scorpia and Adora.

HORDAK: You have no idea what Entrapta is saying, do you?

ADORA: No I get it...but can you repeat it just to be sure?

SCORPIA: Oh yeah no, I have no idea...

Hordak displays a star map on the sixteen screens.

HORDAK: For the past week we've been reviewing data from the Horde ships and were successful in finding a handful of planets that likely have people on them that they may have once been under Horde control. When comparing our discoveries to the star maps within your ship's data, we were able to confirm that one of the planets was once a major source of magic, similar to Etheria.

WRONG HORDAK (identical to Hordak, but with white hair and light clothing) and EMILY (A large green spherical droid with purple "eyes") enter the lab, they have a tray of tea.


SCORPIA: Oh! Yes please!

Scorpia takes a cup, Entrapta takes a tiny cup from Emily.

ADORA: So what you're saying is there's another planet like Etheria out there?

ENTRAPTA: Precisely! Maybe even more, but we won't know until you explore for yourself!

CATRA: And how long will these upgrades take?

HORDAK: At our current pace, combined with our current workload, the upgrades will likely take another day to complete.

ENTRAPTA: But when it's finished Darla will feel like a brand new ship!

ADORA: Thanks, Entrapta. We really appreciate it.

HORDAK: If that is all that needs to be discussed, we have important work to do, so get ou-

Entrapta glares at Hordak like a mother would look at a child mid curse word. She wants him to stop being rude and yelling "GET OUT".

Hordak catches Entrapta's glare and gestures to the door.

HORDAK: Please show yourselves out.

Adora looks confused.

ADORA: Wait, Glimmer was the one who got us here... So how are we supposed to get back?

SCORPIA: Oh, I can take you guys back...

ADORA: Really?

SCORPIA: Yeah! We still have those old Horde Skiffs just sitting in storage, getting to Brightmoon wouldn't take long at all.

Cut To:


The sun begins to set over Brightmoon, and workers begin to leave.

Micah sits against a wall, exhausted. Swift Wind trots up to him.

SWIFT WIND: Uhh, you doing alright?

Micah sighs.

MICAH: Who would've thought being King would be such a handful? It's funny, Angella always handled ruling, and I was focused on protecting it. But now there's nobody to protect the kingdom from and my wife...

Micah looks down, wiping away a tear. He quickly composes himself.

MICAH: Either way, I need to step up and finally be the type of King everyone can be proud of, someone Glimmer can be proud of.

SWIFTWIND: You already are someone Glimmer is proud of. Sure, things haven't been perfect around here, but are they ever!? What matters is you're doing the best you can!

MICAH: You know what...you're right.

SWIFTWIND: I am?! I mean, of course I am!

Micah stands up, patting Swift Wind. He smiles

MICAH: Thank you, I needed that.

Swift Wind smiles back.

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