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Adora slowly gains consciousness, finding herself sinking into a black abyss. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. She looks below, catching a glimpse of light coming from the bottom of the void.

Adora swims deeper into the void, closer to the fading light.


Adora emerges from a clear lake, she quickly swims to the shore. She lies on her back, panting, and looking at a starry purple sky, with two moons in the distance.

In the lake's reflection, Adora spots a large house behind her. She turns around and sees two people standing in front of the house. Adora stands up and yells.

ADORA: Hello!?!?

No answer.

Adora walks closer to the two people, a man with short brown hair, and a woman with long red hair.

ADORA: Where am I?

Still no answer. Neither of them reacts.

Adora comes closer, slowly realizing that neither of them has a face. She falls backwards in shock. At that moment she notices the woman holding something in her arms.

Adora tries to stand up, but the ground clings to her hands and feet, pulling her into the ground. As she continues to sink, she yells.

ADORA: Who are you!?

Still no answer, but the man and woman look down at Adora. They now have some visible features, but their eyes are sunken and unrecognizable.

Adora pulls her hand free, reaching out, trying to cling to the man and woman above her.

ADORA: Who am I?!

Adora is pulled into the ground, sinking back into darkness.


Adora sinks further into the void, not a light in sight. She hears a strange voice coming from behind her.


Adora turns around, now powered up as She-Ra. She finds herself face-to-face with a massive grey skull with a horned crown upon its head. Cracks run along the skull's entire surface, as it begins to crumble.

GREY SKULL: Where did you go?

The skull crumbles to dust, but its voice echoes.

GREY SKULL: Why didn't you come back? You were supposed to protect them, all of them.

The dust rises in a sudden gust, closing in on She-Ra. She shields herself from the smoke and dust, as she hears a collection of voices calling her name, none of which she recognizes.


Adora jolts awake as Catra shakes her.

CATRA: Adora?

ADORA: Huh!? What happened!?

Adora's face is pale, and she's drenched in sweat. Bow and Glimmer are also looking at her, concerned.

BOW: Are you alright? You don't look so good.

ADORA: Pfft, what? No! Guys, I'm fine, just a little tired.

Adora looks up through Darla's windscreen, spotting a large blue and green ball.

ADORA: Is that-

GLIMMER: Primus...We're finally here.

Adora stands up, walking to the windscreen in awe.

ADORA: I didn't think there really were other planets like ours.

Cut To:


Darla flies above the planet's massive blue seas, and then over its forests and mountains.


Glimmer gazes out the windscreen at the lush green landscape.

GLIMMER: Bow, are you seeing all of this!?

Bow sits in his chair, fiddling with his Trackerpad, no response.

Catra glares at Bow.

CATRA: Uh, Bow?

BOW: Sorry, ever since we got here my trackerpad has been acting weird. Also, the ship is picking up life forms in the vicinity but there are no people around...it's weird.

ADORA: I'll find a spot to land, we'll probably have more luck on foot.

Cut To:


Darla lands in a forest clearing at the bottom of a vast valley.

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