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Daniel arrived about 15 minutes ago. I was able to greet him with a quick kiss before my parents asked to speak with him in private.

They've been in their study talking this whole time. It was frustrating to feel all of his emotions and not be able to comfort him through them.

I know my parents wanted to speak to him alone so he could be in private to react however he needed to, but I can't help but feel like shit because I'm not in there to be there for him.

When another 10 minutes go by I'm beside myself worried about what's happening behind that door. Unfortunately my dad has the place sound proofed so I can't hear a damn thing.

When they finally walk out Daniel smiles at me reassuringly, but it obviously doesn't match what I know he's really feeling.

Daniel shakes hands with my dad and hugs my mom before turning his attention to me.

"Ready to go?"

I smile at him cautiously and nod. He rests his hand on the side of my neck and pulls me towards him to kiss my forehead as if saying don't worry.

I always worry though. It's like I was born worried. I don't actually know how to not be.

"Well you guys have fun and be safe tonight." My mom gives me a pointed look and it makes my stomach turn.

"Okay bye!" I say grabbing Daniels wrist and tug him towards the door.

"Contraception sis!" I hear Maya call from upstairs. My parents avoid eye contact with me by walking towards the kitchen with smirks.

Daniel snorts but turns away from my reddened face.

Fucking assholes. All of them. If my parents weren't less than 10 feet away I'd scream at Maya to go fuck herself.

When we walk out Daniel immediately grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers.

"Sorry my sister is an ASSHOLE!" I yell a little louder knowing for a fact she can hear me from her window.

Daniel chuckles as he leads me to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me.

"She's just telling you to be safe is all." He says with a knowing smirk.

"I'm just glad you weren't here earlier." I mutter as I sit in the car and thank him for opening the door for me.

When he gets in the drivers side he looks over at me. "What happened earlier?" He questions.

"I was traumatized. That's what."

Daniel smiles to himself. "It's times like this I'm grateful for not having real parents."

"That was fuckin dark." I remark making him laugh out loud again.

"Well it's the truth. I never had to do the whole sex talk thing." He says. "I mean I had to take health in middle school but, besides that." He says and shrugs.

"Well you're not missing much." I grumble.

Daniel laughs and rests his hand on my knee.

"I like your normal outfit by the way. Hope you don't mind if it gets dirty." He says giving my figure a heated once over at a red light.

"Look. You were very vague. Normal in girl world means like three different things." I point out.

"How is that possible? It's one word." He teases.

"Well it could mean a T-shirt and jeans or shorts. A nice blouse with jeans. Or a romper or a simple dress." Those are all the things I pulled out of my closet and threw on the floor when I got frustrated...

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