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I woke up the next morning to zero text messages from Daniel. It didn't even show if he read it which was even more frustrating.

I was in the middle of packing up my last minute items when Maya walked into the room and plopped onto my bed.

"What's going on with you?" She asks.

I shove my charger into my bag and glance up at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"You've had this sad kicked puppy dog look on your face all morning."

I stop what I was doing and look up at her. "I have not"

"Yep see! There it is!" She screeches.

"Maya" I warn and shake my head and go back to shoving things in my bag.

We'd be heading to Alice today. The event didn't officially start till Monday but the leaders had a lot of work to do before people began to arrive. Meaning I'd be spending the weekend cleaning up dust and spiderwebs from each cabin on the property.

"I'm just worried about what Tyler said. That's all." I shrug.

"Really? That's all?" She asks with a look that clearly says I don't believe you.

"I may have overheard something yesterday." I mutter.


"Apparently the prepare for the worst comment mom made actually means preparing for war."

Maya's eyes widen and I can see anger filling them.

"How do they expect us to learn anything when they keep shit like this from us." She growls.

I sigh and shrug. "All we can do is what we're told."

"No that's bullshit!"

"Shut up! We're not even supposed to know about the first attack let alone the possibility of a war!" I whisper scream.

Maya sighs angrily. "So what are we supposed to do? Just sit back and pretend we don't know anything? Dad won't even let us train in case we need to protect ourselves." She adds.

I only shrug. "We have basic training."

"Yeah from when we were like 16." She deadpans.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you Maya. You can't tell mom and dad you know it's only going to make shit harder for them."

Maya only sighs. She's calmed down thankfully but I can see in her eyes her mind is racing.

"You should finish packing. I'm sure we'll be heading out soon." I finally say.

Maya looks at me and nods before leaving the room. Looks like it's going to be a long quiet trip.


In the almost 4 hour drive to Alice, I still hadn't heard from Daniel.

I couldn't text him without Maya probably peaking over to my side of the car and I couldn't call when we made a stop because again, Maya was constantly around me.

My nerves were starting to kick in and I couldn't stop bouncing my leg or chewing my nails in the car. Maya kept stealing glances at me, but she never bothered to ask what was wrong. I'd hoped the conversation from earlier would keep her from asking what was bothering me. As far as I know she thinks I'm only stressed about the danger our pack could be in.

Once we finally arrived Lilith, Kai, Tara, and Tyler had already arrived, as well as the rest of leadership from Texas who were also our aunt's, uncles, and cousins. Tobias/Toby and his mate Jesse, Luke and his mate Diana, and lastly my moms sister Johanna and her mate Ryan. Ryan and Johanna were also Luke's parents. My aunt and uncle Alyssa and Trevor had called and said they'd be here soon. They were a part of leadership, but retired once their son Toby and his mate took over. Only ones we hadn't heard from was one of my moms sisters, Daisy and her mate Nicholas.

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