Mason Mount- The party

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This is going to be set around the time it was Mason and Declan's birthday's I'm a bit late lol :)


You and Mason had split up around 3 months ago, there was no bad blood or anything you both decided to be adults and came to the conclusion to put your career before any romance. With both your careers being hectic and demanding so much of your time it made it impossible to spend time with each other and when you did it would more than likely lead to arguments. Mason wanted you at every match, you wanted mason at all your events but your schedules just didn't match. After the breakup you still talked to Declan as you grew quite close when you was dating mason and he was dating your best friend Lauren. You was out shopping with Lauren when you noticed all the party stuff she was buying without mentioning she was throwing one.


"So how come I'm not invited to this little party your throwing" you laughed

"Oh erm it's a birthday party for Declan" Lauren answered awkwardly

"Ok" you said confused as it still didn't make sense why you weren't invited as you and Dec was quite close

"It's joint for him and Mason" Lauren added noticing your confusion

"Oh yeah I guess that would of been awkward" You nervously laughed

"What was I thinking no, you should come."

"I don't think that's a good idea." you said fidgeting around with your hands

" It would be I promise, look theirs's loads of England players and Chelsea players going who you are friends with, including you bestie chilly and me of course" Lauren laughed

"Still I don't want it to be awkward for Mason it's his birthday he shouldn't be in that position"

"y/n your overthinking this, every time I see him he is asking a 100 questions about you he still cares about you. You didn't even end on bad terms you was best friends before you were lovers try and get back to that or just be civil. It's not like you have to be by his side all night" Lauren said

"I guess your right" You said accepting her offer

"I know I am now let's go find a hot dress for you to show him what he is missing" Lauren laughed dragging you into the shopping centre.


"Y/n you made it" Lauren said hugging you when she spotted you at the party

"Yeah you look great"

"Thanks babe so do you, I think Jesse thinks the same" Lauren laughed noticing Jesse checking you out

"Oh shit Mason just spotted me and he is walking over" you said turning around

"No y/n put your big girl pants on and get it over and done with" Lauren said pulling you back


"Hey y/n I didn't know you was coming" Mason said smiling at you

"Yeah Lauren invited me, happy birthday"

"Thankyou" He smiled again

"So how have you be-" Mason was cut some blonde girl throwing her hands around his waist whispering something in his ear '

"Oh erm y/n this is Emily my girlfriend"

"Hi" you stuttered "Well it was nice seeing you I best go find Lauren bye mase"


You could feel yourself on verge of tears everything you thought you buried and dealt with came rushing to the surface leaving you a crying mess on the stairs leading to the front door. Maybe you wasn't over him but looks like it was too late.


"Hey y/n what you doing out here?" Chilly said taking a seat next to you "Are you ok?"

"No it's Mason"

"What's he done now"

"Nothing it's just he has moved on and I guess I wasn't ready to see it or myself"

"He is an idiot for letting you go"

"We both made the decision it was what was best ben"

"Bullshit he should have put up a fight, he will never find anyone as good as you" "Who is this chick anyway"


"Emily" Ben thought "Is she blonde short and got a really bad tan" Ben laughed

"Yeah why"

"Oh darling he is trying to make you jealous that's not his girlfriend that's his friends with benefits they made a deal to make her ex jealous and I guess he asked her to do the same for him tonight."

"What a dickhead" You said

"So why don't you do it to him and see how he likes it."

"I can't do that ben it's not fair and who would do that everyone here is Mason's friends"

"I'll do it" Ben said

" I can't ask you to do that ben"

"Your not asking I'm offering"


"Ben I'm not sure about this" You said feeling nervous

"Do you trust me" Ben asked


"Ok just follow my lead"

Ben began by simply placing his hand on your thigh whilst you was chatting occasionally rubbing it up and down noticing in the corner of his eye Mason's jaw clenching. Ben smirked knowing he already got a reaction out of Mason and he was only on level 1.

"Would you like to dance?" Ben asked

"Sure" y/n said trying to figure out Ben's game plan

Ben clearly knew what he was doing to make Mason jealous as he softly began to grind on you as you swerved dancing to the beat running his hand up and down your figure kissing your neck every so often. Mason began walking over looking furious and that's when ben decided to finished of by pulling you into a kiss.

"What the fuck do you think your doing" Mason said dragging Ben of you

"Just having fun mate" Ben laughed

"And y/n and I are dating?" Ben added. Mason just laughed at this comment

"Like hell you are y/n is mine Ben you know that she is of limits and y/n seriously my best friend" Mason said struggling to remain calm

"Oh go away mason go back to your girlfriend and mind your business. I'm not yours anymore ok you lost being able to say that a long time ago. Go call your hot model that instead and leave me alone" You said the confidence now surging through your veins. Also noticing Ben had silently slipped away leaving you with him.

"y/n can we go outside an talk please"

"No" you began turning around when Mason pulled you back trapping you into a kiss as both lips worked in harmony as they fell back into a familiar rythem. Mason wasn't ready to let you go as his hands found you waist pulling you closer. A part of you wanted to let go you was still mad at him for wanting to make you feel jealous but the other part didn't want this to end.

As you pulled apart needing air mason tucked your hair behind your ears as he whispered in your ear "I'm yours y/n and you are mine I miss you and I want you back. I'm sorry about Emily it meant nothing all I ever wanted was you and now you are here I aren't ever letting you go again."

A/N: Hi everyone hope you all ok. Who is she actually posting for once I have missed writing these and have some drafts saved ready to post this week. Before I get onto request I just quickly want to talk about the Mason Greenwood thing It's disgusting and I hope Harriet get's justice.. While I'm on that topic I'm sure you will all understand but I aren't comfortable with writing imagines about him anymore. The plan was to post an imagine of him this week as it was a request but with what happened I don't feel comfortable. So to anyone who has requested Mason Greenwood if you would like to request someone else I can change it for you. Request for everything else is still open.

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