Phil Foden- what it's like dating

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- Him constantly reassuring you that your the only one for him after feeling insecure

- Falls in love with you all over again when he sees how well you look after Ronnie

- Ronnie loving you like a 2nd mum

- constantly smacking your ass when you walk past

- Marrying you in Greece

- Gives you cuddles from behind

- Pda in public by holding your hand or walking around with his arm around your waist

- spoiling you with gifts

- angry sex after defeat matches

- constantly showing you off

- Being your no1 supporter

- using cheesy pick up lines on you randomly to make you laugh

- Jealous of your friendship with Kalvin Phillips

- constantly teasing you and making you blush uncontrollably

- passionate sex

- reminding you how much he loves you

- Making dinner together but ends up you both dancing in the kitchen

- surprising you on cute dates

- Your eyes, smile and ass being his favourite features

- Bringing home flowers for you

- Comforting you on your bad days

- texting you dirty pickup lines so he is on your mind while your at work

- Running you a bath and letting you choose the movie when your period arrives


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