"I'll my best. How's Grandpa holding up?" I asked.

"He's alright. Worried, but alright," Aunt Beth said.

"That's good," I nodded.

"Rori, it's time for you to wake up now," Aunt Beth said.

"What? But I don't want to walk up, not yet!" I exclaimed.

"I know. But I'll see you again someday. We all will. I love you, forever and always," Aunt Beth said, pulling me in for a hug. She kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, too," I cried into her shoulder.

"Stay safe, Rori," Aunt Beth said. I closed my eyes and sobbed. When I opened my eyes again, I was sobbing into my pillow. I sat up from my bed, whipping my wet cheeks with my hands. I stood up and grabbed my flannel off my floor. I quickly shrugged it on over my white tank top and buttoned it. I secured my knife on my thigh and walked out of my room. It didn't seem like either of my parents were home, but I didn't bother to look for a note. I just assumed they weren't home and left. I walked to the Grime's house where Carl and Judith were staying. I had no idea if Judith was here or if she was with someone else but I didn't really care.

"Rori, are you alright?" Carl asked immediately when he saw my tear-stained face. I looked up at him, my lip wobbling. "Hey, come on." Carl pulled me into their house.

"I'm sorry," I cried, my hands fisting Carl's flannel.

"Shh, you're okay," Carl hushed me gently.  "What's wrong?"

"I yelled at my parents," I cried. Carl stayed quiet. "And then I saw Aunt Beth-"

"You saw Beth?" Carl asked.

"Y-yeah. I fell asleep and she-she was in my dream," I choked on my own breath.

"Calm down, you're alright," Carl said in a soothing voice.

"I feel so guilty, and I know my mom's still hurting and I probably made it worse," I rambled sadly.

"Hush, I'm sure your parents understand," Carl said, pulling me closer to him. After a few minutes, he added, "Come on, I know something that'll cheer you up."

"What is it?" I sniffled. I pulled my sleeve over my hand and wiped my snotty nose.

"You'll see," Carl said and walked over to his bookshelf where a radio sat. He clicked play and some slow music came on. Carl stretched his hand outwards towards me. "May I have this dance, My lady?"

"Why of course," I grabbed his hand a let him spin me around the living room. I let out the worry and sadness go as I danced with him. Deep down I was still upset, but that didn't matter right now. What matters is Carl Grimes.


Later that night, I sat quietly next to Carl on his front porch. Judith was on his lap, watching the music box Carl had found. She watched as the ballerina spun around. We got kicked out of the community discussion because we "Are too young." Besides, we are stuck on babysitting duty.

"God, this is stupid! We should be able to be at that meeting. This is so unfair, we're teenagers now!" I sighed, pressing my palms against my head. My elbows rested on my knees. "I mean, this is your father they're talking about. You should be angry, too!"

"I am, Rora. But maybe they're right. We would just let out feelings get in the way and then we would have less of a chance of being able to stay here," Carl said. I knew he was right but that didn't mean I liked it.

"I know, you're right," I said.

"Aren't I always," Carl cheekily asked. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Shut up," I blushed, looking out into the dark sky. It was a full moon tonight and the stars shined brightly. 

"Hey, we'll get through this. We always have. You worry too much," Carl gently rested his hand on my shoulder.

"I know. it's a bad habit," I chuckled lightly. I leaned my head against Carl's shoulder, listening to Judith babble lightly. It was quiet, despite the fact that I knew there was an argument going on. My body tensed as I heard the all too familiar sound. Carl met my gaze as I jumped to my feet, completely alerted. 

"Rori." I glanced back at Carl to see him pointing ahead of us. I looked to where his finger was pointed at.

"I got it," I said and stood up.

"Be careful," Carl called out, holding Judith tighter. 

"I've done this thousands of times, I'll be alright!" I yelled over my shoulder, pulling out my pocket knife. I grabbed the walker rotting, thing hair and slam the knife into its skull. The now lifeless, dead walker fell to the ground. Carl came and stood beside me, staring at it.

"What do we do with it now?" Carl asked. I shrugged. 

"Throw it outside the gates before anyone sees it?" I say but it comes out more like a question. 

"Works for me," Carl said. 

"Alright, I'll take it out. You stay here with Judith," I said.

"What, no!" Carl protested. 

"Carl, I'll be fine. If anything happens you're just a shout away," I said.

"I'm coming with you," Carl said. I crossed my arms and stared at him.

"You need to stay here and protect Judith," I replied. 

"Why can't you protect her and I take the walker out?" Carl asked, shifting Judith in his arms.  

"It was my idea! You watch Judith and I'll dispose of the body," I said. 

"Fine," Carl pouted. 

"Thank you," I sighed and bent down. I grabbed the walker under its rotting armpits and began to drag it.

"For the record, when you said that you'll dispose of the body, that sounded very wrong!" Carl shouted as I dragged the walker away.

"Screw you!" I shouted back. I somehow managed to drag the walker all the way to the gates. To be honest, I don't know how I did it. The metal gates screeched as I pulled them open. I turned back around and dragged the walker outside the gates. I threw it to the side and whipped my hands on my jeans.

"Gross," I muttered.  I groaned as I heard another walker behind me. I turned around to see a girl stumbling towards me. She looked like she was just turned recently. I pulled out my knife and walked towards her, stabbing her in the head. I let her fall to the ground. She made no indicator to move, thankfully. Turning on my heels, I walked back inside the gates. The metal screeched once more as I pulled the gates closed. 


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