𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 16

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The three kids were escorted to the Station after the check-up. Sheriff Stilinski himself wanted to take their deposits. Of course, no one said no, he was too sad and angry, and of course, he deserved to know first handed. He took the teenagers to his office and closed the door. 

- What happened to my son? he inquired.

The kids had to follow through with their story. 

- It was an animal, Lydia began. Me and Stiles... We went dancing together. We got out for a walk. And then we found Jackson laying on the field. She took a deep breath. 

- There was an animal on top of him. We didn't know if he was alive or not, she sobbed. And Stiles suggested we checked but not without caution. H..He gave me the keys to his Jeep and told me he had a bat in the back... He said he would stay until I came back, and she sobbed again. 

She was lying convincingly, but her tears were more real than anything. 

- I got the bat.. he went closer... And the animal a..attacked him.. she finished. 

They were all looking at her, and when she was finished Allison hugged her to cool her down. The Sheriff was lying on his chair, unable to swallow the fact that his infant son was dead. 

- When did you and Allison come in? he asked Scott, visibly tired. 

He wasn't used to lying, it was always Stiles that came up with the most incredible excuses. 

- We were wandering around after the waltz...We heard a scream and headed to where we thought it could come from. We were near the field and...We saw Lydia running towards us when we came in, crying... She told us an animal attacked Stiles and it had probably killed someone else too...

After the interrogation, what happened to the kids was determined as an animal attack. When the three kids exited the office, they saw their parents in the waiting room. They also saw another couple, they took guessed it was Jackson's parents. The kids went and snuggled into their parent's comforting hugs. 

- You can stay home tomorrow, Melissa whispered to Scott. This is a situation you need to calm down from. 

It was 2:30 am when they arrived home. Scott went upstairs and lay on his bed. He was more in the deep than ever before. He felt like he was drowning. Before he knew it, his tears lead him into a deep sleep.

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