Part 32 - Magic Trio

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"So that leaves Strange, Odinson, and Laufeyson," Fury continues, finishing explaining where everyone's positions are.  "We've located a group of Hydra agents using the subway tunnels as a way to sneak into New York City.  They're on their way to Stark Tower.  Stop them before they get the chance to walk through the front doors."

"Director Fury, if I may," Loki speaks up, "You're assigning me to work with my brother; have you considered how that may not be the wisest decision?"

"I have very much considered it," Fury replies.  "And that's exactly why you're going together; between him and Dr. Strange, I know they'll keep you in line."

"Personally, I think it's a great idea," Thor smiles, wrapping an arm around Loki and shaking him violently.  "You and I, brother, we make a great team - and I'm sure that our powers combined with Dr. Strange's will be more than enough to bring down these Hydra agents. We'll be the magic trio - how about that?"

Loki groans in disgust as Thor releases him, stepping away from his brother like an embarrassed teenager from their parent.  "Gods, now that that's over," he mutters.  He clasps his hands together, switching his energy to his business-like demeanor.  "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

"Yes, please," I mutter.  "What do you say, some good old Eldritch magic to teleport out of here?"

"Oh, I'm a fan of magic," Thor speaks up.  "In fact-"

"Dear gods, please can we just go?" Loki complains.  He motions to the rest of the Avengers around us, all of whom are leaving for the positions Fury assigned them.  "Everybody else has left."

Thor sighs, turning back to me as I'm conjuring a portal to Stark Tower.  "We'll discuss my love of magic later."

Loki rolls his eyes.  "Brother, will you please not harass my girlfriend with your boring sob stories about how you loved magic but could never perform it?"

I turn around to face Loki and Thor, the circle of Eldritch magic spinning behind me.  "Guys, can we go-"

"For the record, they are not boring sob stories.  They are very interesting and are part of what made me the hero that I am-"

"Yawn," Loki interrupts.  "Gods, brother, do you have nothing better-"

"Since you both can't seem to walk through a simple portal, I'll do it for you," I interrupt.  Before Thor or Loki can question me, I point to the portal before swinging my arm towards Thor and Loki, sending the portal flying through the three of us. 

We all materialize on the street outside Stark Tower as I dissolve the portal.  "Hey, Scarlett, I know this may sound a little oblivious and like I wasn't paying attention at all, but isn't your magic yellow?" Loki questions.

I furrow a brow.  "What do you mean?  Of course it's yellow; that's the color of all Eldritch magic-"

"Uh, you may want to reconjure that portal-thingy," Thor interrupts.

I look between Thor and Loki, taking note of the slightly concerned expressions on each of their faces.  I sigh as I turn to create a portal beside them.  "I think I know what color my own magic is, for Christ's sake."  I quickly conjure a portal to a spot five feet away from us, revealing two yellow portals, the same color as they've ever been.  "See?  Yellow-"

I stop abruptly as a spark of green jolts through a section of a portal.  "There!" Thor exclaims, pointing to where the spark was.  "I know I did not imagine that."

"Brother, I would not put your mind past hallucinating something strange like that, but I must admit that I saw it too," Loki inputs.  He turns to me.  "That's not normal, is it?"

Love is For Fools // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now