Part 25 - Preparation

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"You're saying that Hydra wants to take over after SHIELD has overthrown Loki?" I question as I follow the Ancient One through the library.

"Yes, exactly; they are letting SHIELD take down Loki for them, then they're attacking Stark Tower while SHIELD is in the middle of recovering.  This time is the time that both Loki's forces and SHIELD forces will be off-guard, so they're using it."

"So what do we do?  Contact SHIELD and tell them to hold off on the attack?"

She shakes her head.  "No.  This Hydra attack is one of the largest attacks I've ever seen.  Neither Loki's forces nor SHIELD's forces alone could defend against this."

"What are you suggesting?" I scoff.  "That the only way Hydra can be defeated is if..."

She turns to me and nods, being able to tell what I'm about to say.

"That is ridiculous, let alone impossible.  There is absolutely no way you could get Loki to work with SHIELD."

She slowly nods.  "There is, and it's our only option."

I shake my head.  "Just send Hydra into the mirror dimension or shit."

"We can't do that for the same reason we couldn't send Loki there," she chuckles.  "And you already knew that."

"So what? We tell Loki 'hey, you're getting overthrown no matter what, so you may as well work with SHIELD so this Nazi organization doesn't take over New York'?"

The Ancient One nods. "Exactly."

"You do know that the Avengers happen to be his mortal enemies, don't you?"

"Yes, but he happened to be your mortal enemy not so long ago, did he not?"

I slowly cross my arms. "That's different. This is far too risky to bet on."

"And do you have a better plan?" she questions.

I bite my lip and stare at her in silence, not having anywhere damn near a better plan.

She chuckles and turns away. "I will contact SHIELD so they are aware of our plan."

"Um... could I be the one to contact them?"

She turns back to me and sends me a knowing smile. "Of course." She flicks a wrist and a phone appears in my hand. "You will find the phone number for Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, in there."

"Nick's uncle," I mutter. I quickly look at the phone and see Nick Fury along with a phone number. I press on it and the phone dials.

After about 15 seconds, the person on the opposite end picks up. "Hello?" a skeptical man's voice questions.

"Director Fury?"

"Who the hell is this?" he asks defensively.

"Scarlett Strange. I was with your nephew Nick in Stark Tower-"

"Well I'll be damned!" he interrupts. "Angela told us you were dead!"

"Long story," I sigh.

"Hey, Nick!" Fury yells, clearly calling Nick over to him. "Scarlett's not dead!"

"What?" Nick's voice gasps in the background. I hear some shuffling, and soon Nick's voice is speaking to me. "Scarlett, is that actually you?"

"Yeah," I chuckle.

"Oh my god," Nick sighs relievedly. "I thought we were fucked when Angela told us you were dead. Speaking of, Angela's going to be so excited when we tell her you're alive-"

Love is For Fools // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now