Part 26 - Fool

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I step out into the medical wing and look around, taking in all the medical supplies left in a disarray (undoubtedly Angela's doing). The first emotion that seems to overwhelm me is... comfort. After being in the unknown, foreign sanctum for three days, I feel relieved to be somewhere that I know again.

I barely have time to address this as I quickly close the portal behind me, continuing to walk further down the hallway.

"Who the hell is out there?" Angela's voice demands from in the office. I stop walking and turn to the door as she slams it open. "I have made it clear that I am not receiving-"

Her eyes go wide. "Oh my god. I'm officially hallucinating because there is no way I am seeing my dead friend standing in the middle of the hallway wearing some snakeskin belt and a weird ass necklace."

I chuckle. "Angela, it's me."

She immediately runs forward and crushes me with her embrace, sobbing into my shoulder. "Oh my god, I thought you were dead, and Nick thought it was all his fault, and Loki went and killed this guy in the most gruesome way possible-"

"Angela-" I cut her off. She stops talking and steps back so she can look at me. "Where's the anesthetic?"

She shakes her head and stares at me in confusion. "I am just now finding out that you aren't dead, and the only thing that you're worried about is finding anesthetic?"

"Long story," I sigh, "But SHIELD is going to be here soon, so I have about an hour, maybe less, to fight and detain Loki. Then I only have a bit of time after that to convert Loki to SHIELD's side so we can fight Hydra."

"Woah - Hydra? Since when were we fighting Hydra?"

I quickly walk past her into my office, beelining for the drawers of supplies. "Since they decided to attack today after SHIELD overthrows Loki. They're planning on catching SHIELD off-guard."

I begin tearing apart the drawers and Angela sighs as she reaches for a cabinet. "I've got the anesthetic," she states, taking a syringe from the cabinet.

I stop tearing apart the drawer and pull myself to my feet. "Thank you-"

"But I'm not giving it to you until you tell me why you need it."

I roll my eyes and reach for the syringe, but she pulls it out of my reach. "Angela..." I warn.

"Scarlett, I need some answers! You show up here after pretending you were dead for three days, and now you're not explaining anything to me!"

I exasperatedly throw out my arms. "This supernatural bald girl came to me when those men attacked me, then helped me fake my death and escape! She wanted to help me overthrow Loki, so she taught me magic and now I'm a sorcerer or some shit. And now I'm going to go fight Loki and/or explain how Hydra's attacking, and I need the anesthetic in case he won't submit."

Angela stares in silent shock.

"Oh, and you can't keep that anesthetic from me," I add on as I hold out a hand. The syringe of anesthetic disappears from her hand and reappears in my hand, and I leave a spare pen in her hand instead.

She turns her attention to the pen and stares in shock as I slip the syringe into my pocket. "How the hell-"

"Anyways, I've got to go - I'm on a timed schedule here."

I begin to walk past Angela and she grabs my arm. "What if you have to kill Loki?"

I shake my head. "I won't have to."

"But if you have no other option?"

I remain silent, and the corners of her lips slowly twist into a smirk. "You love him, don't you?"

Love is For Fools // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now