Part 16 - Swim

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I smirk as my knife lands a few inches closer to the bullseye than Loki's.  "And there we have it.  I'm the better knife-thrower."

"Oh, come on, I messed that one up," Loki protests. 

I walk towards the target smugly to retrieve my knives.  "That was our third round - the tiebreaker.  I won fair and square."

He rolls his eyes as he begrudgingly follows me.  "Wouldn't you like to do something besides desperately attempt to prove your superiority to me, or the lack thereof?"

"Oh please, so far I've beaten you at knife-throwing, sword-fighting, and kip-upping."

"First of all, we haven't attempted a sword fight since the one where you tricked me after I had won and flipped us over.  Second of all, why the hell would I ever need to know how to kip-up?"

I shrug.  "It's Natasha's signature move and she forced me to learn it.  But it was really entertaining to watch you try."

He sends me a mock glare.  "How about I take you Asgardian horseback riding and we'll see how long you last."

"Oh yes, of course - just one problem.  We don't have Asgardian horses on Earth."

"You Midgardians," he states condescendingly.  "What do you have besides your useless kip-ups?  Do you even have swimming?"

"Swimming?" I scoff.  "Of course we have swimming."

He clasps his hands together.  "Great.  Where's the nearest waterfall?"

"Waterfall?  Why would we go swimming by a waterfall?"

"Why would we go swimming by a waterfall?" he repeats, his voice making it clear that the answer should be obvious.

I hold my arms out cluelessly.  "I legitimately have no idea why."

"You swim over the edge of the waterfall, of course.  Do you Midgardians seriously not do that?"

"Well, we would if it wouldn't kill us."

He rolls his eyes.  "You Midgardians are so overdramatic."

"You Asgardians are so weird," I retort.  "You horseback ride for fun; that is dry as hell."

"Okay, I have an idea," he states.  "How about we have a swimming competition, since that seems to be one of our only shared activities."

I shrug.  "Why not."

He looks down at my left ankle, which has now healed to the point that it doesn't need a huge ass boot anymore.  "Are you fine to swim with that?"

"I just beat your ass at kip-upping with it," I scoff.  "It's fine."

"Great.  Now, where do you Midgardians swim if not in waterfalls?"

"In pools."

"What the hell is a pool?"

"It's the thing filled with water that we literally have in the middle of the suite floor," I deadpan.

"You swim in that?" he questions in disgust.  "God, that sounds horrific."

I roll my eyes.  "You know what?  You're going swimming in it now."


I push my hair back as I swim over to a Loki who is skeptically swimming around the pool.  "Why is the end over there shallow but the end over here is deep?" he questions as he stands in the shallow end.

Love is For Fools // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now