Part 13 - Knife Fights

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"Personally, I think it was a successful first date," Angela remarks as she leans back against the counter in my exam room.  We're currently in the middle of our Pretenders post-first date meeting.

"We didn't even start, let alone finish the meal," I scoff.

"Yes, but you did work together to overthrow some FBI agents, and you saved his life," Nick argues.  "And you both injured your left legs.  Nothing speaks romance like a group injury."

"This is the least romantic first date in the history of first dates," I state dramatically.

"No, don't say that," Angela assures me.  "I would expect nothing less than a first date filled with FBI confrontations, murders, and bombs from you two.  Truthfully, you're just in a whole other realm of romance.  You don't bond over wine and dinner; you bond over knives and combat."

I scoff.  "Well, that's one way to put it."

"No, I agree with Angela," Nick interrupts.

"Thank you," Angela states smugly.

"Loki is extremely messed up - you said it when I first told you this plan.  His idea of romance is most likely that first date you two had two days ago," Nick continues.  "Personally, I think everything worked out perfectly."

"Okay.  If that's your perfect idea of a date, then how the hell do I follow up on it?"

Nick turns to Angela, but she just sends him a clueless glance.  He turns back to me.  "How about fighting lessons?"

"Fighting lessons?" I scoff.

"Come on, the first time you fought each other you shared a really suggestive moment, and the second time you kissed!  Are we sensing a common theme here?"

"We are not doing fighting lessons."


"I'm not going to lie, I was surprised when you called me to invite me to fighting lessons," Loki remarks as he enters the private fighting room that's reserved for only him and other higher-ups.

"As was I," I mutter under my breath.  Nick and Angela forced me to do it, insisting that it would definitely create some romantic tension between us.  "I was hoping to make up for our first date," I shrug.  "You know, the one that ended in the dining room getting blown up."

He chuckles.  "Yes, that is pretty hard to forget.  However, I was hoping that this was your apology for not calling off my meeting for me yesterday."

I roll my eyes.  "Look at you.  You're completely healed, walking as if you weren't just shot two days ago."

"Yes, but I'm internally in pain," he retorts.  "How are we even supposed to fight?  Your leg is still broken."

"It's minor," I shrug.

"It was buried under a chunk of concrete the size of a Saint Bernard," he deadpans.

"We can stick to swords and knives, no big deal."

He shrugs.  "If you insist."  Without warning, he swiftly takes a knife from his sleeve and swings at me.  I jump back and take my own knife from my pocket, holding it up defensively.

Loki and I slowly walk in circles, sizing each other up.  Loki intricately flips the knife in his hand before catching it and pointing it at me.  "You're sure you're still down for this?"

I throw my knife up into the air and quickly grab his arm holding the knife, twisting it at an angle too awkward for him to attempt to attack me.  I look down at him smugly as I catch my knife.  "What were you saying?"

Love is For Fools // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now