Part 27 - Smells Like Teen Spirit

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"I couldn't agree more."

Upon my words, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' reaches the drum part of the intro, and I run at Loki.  He runs for me as well, and we meet in the center of the roof, dagger to Mandala.

I quickly use my Mandala to force his dagger off to the side, and I kick him in the gut.  He stumbles back as I swing my second Mandala into his face, his head flying to the side upon impact.  I round up and kick him in the side, and he takes another step back.

As I raise my arm to deliver a final blow, a hand grabs me from behind.  I turn to see a second Loki holding my arm, preventing me from hitting the real Loki with my Mandala.  "The clones?  Yet again?" I question condescendingly.

"Since you seem to have magical abilities all of the sudden, yes," he replies as he swiftly kicks me in the gut.  I gasp and stumble back as his clone releases me.  "By the way, I am expecting an explanation for that after we're done with this."

"I can see what you want, Loki," I chuckle as I regain my balance.  "You want to get the fancy powers that I have; unfortunately, you can't just acquire powers like that."

"Really?  Then how did you get them?"  While he's waiting for my response, he swings for me with his dagger.

I dissolve my Mandalas as I catch his arm, twisting it to the side.  "The Ancient One deemed me worthy."

"The Ancient One?  Deemed you worthy?"

I further twist his arm and he drops his knife, catching it with his free hand before swinging at me.

I release him and step back.  "You'll find out soon enough," I reply mysteriously.

"Now, usually I'm the one who acts mysterious," Loki remarks as he swings for me again.

I hold my hands up in front of me, conjuring a large Mandala to act as a shield.  He hits it with his dagger and stumbles back, his strength reflecting back to him.  He swings for me again and hits the shield.

Just as I am about to mock him, a foot slams into me from behind.  Being caught totally off guard, I dissolve the Mandala and fall to the ground.  "Loki, I swear to god," I mutter as I roll over, "I am going to make your crimes against humanity look like a fucking Disney movie if you send your clone after me one more time."

He smirks as he stalks over to me.  "Don't worry, it looks like this will be over soon," he states smugly as he begins to lean down over me.

"I wouldn't hold my breath," I retort as I quickly conjure a portal.

He looks up at the portal in confusion.  Before he can question it, I send it flying towards him, engulfing him and teleporting him to the opposite end of the roof.

As he's regaining his bearings, I climb to my feet and summon an Eldritch whip.  It flies towards Loki, about to catch him off-guard, when his clone bodyslams me, making me lose the whip.

"Shit!" I mutter as I stumble back, nearly falling over yet again.  I look up at Loki's clone in rage.  "I am on a timed schedule here," I grumble as I summon another Eldritch whip.  I quickly swing it at Loki's clone, entangling him with it before swinging it out over the side of the roof.

The clone goes flying over the edge, disappearing before he can plummet to the bottom.  I turn back to Loki and narrow my eyes at the multiple clones of Loki stalking towards me.  "Loki, are you really about to make me do this?" I question condescendingly, directing my words at all of the Lokis since I have no clue which one is the real Loki.

"Yes," all four Lokis reply in sync.  I roll my eyes as I summon another Eldritch whip and catch the nearest Loki.  I throw him into the Loki beside him before tossing them both over the edge of the building.  As soon as they roll over, they disappear and new clones reappear on the roof.

Love is For Fools // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now