chapter nineteen | christmas

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"Alright, I'm going to get ready and then leave then." She tells me as she walks into the bathroom.

About ten minutes later Alexis walks out of the bathroom. She's wearing a black dress with white tights and some short black boots. "I'll see you later, baby," I tell her and lean down to kiss her. She kissed me backs to me then went on her way.

"Hey, honey, where is Alexis?" My mom asks me as I enter the living room. She knows that most of this break so far has been spent with me and Alexis hanging out together.

"Alexis is going out shopping for a few hours with Lesley so I came down here. Where is everyone.?" I ask my mom, knowing that all my brothers and their families are here, yet not a single soul besides me and my mom is in the living room.

"I'm not even sure. They're around somewhere. I think Alejandro was starting a game of football in the yard if you wanted to join." She tells me picking up her drink and her magazine again.

"Thanks, mom, I'll be back in later," I say and kiss her on the cheek before walking out. People can call me a momma's boy all they want, but I will always be close to my family.

"Bye, hon." My mom says as I step out of the glass sliding doors onto the deck. I see all of my brothers a few of their spouses and some kids playing a round of football. I head down and sit in a lawn chair as I wait for them to finish this particular game.

I checked my phone notifications but there were not any that were going to be worth replying to.

The next game of football is starting with my family so I get up and head over before we can pick teams. To be fair, the kids are all under ten so it's not a very violent game of football.

"You, you and you," I say pointing at my brothers Alejandro, Aiden, and Luca. They all come over to me and stand behind me. They were just the first two people that I saw.

I also have to choose kids so hang it's not a bunch of grown men and a team of two grown men and ten literal children.

I see Alexis and Lesley walk back into the yard and am instantly confused on why they would be back already. "What's up?" I ask Alexis, once she walked over to me.

"Lesley can't find her debit card so there is not a good point in doing it." She tells me and I nod. Girls don't like shopping alone. Something I found out from being around Ariana and Amelia for the first three years of getting my degree. "Want to join the game?" I ask Alexis with a smirk.

She looks like she wants to say no but yes nods her head in a yes motion anyway. As much as I would love to beat her in a quick round of football I am not one for wanting her to feel uncomfortable just to please me.

"You don't have to say yes, you can do something else while I do this," I tell her, not wanting her to feel like she has some obligation to say yes. "No, it's fine. I'll play." She tells me which surprises me. "Alright which team do you want to be on?" I ask her with my smirk coming back.

"I guess that I will be on your team." She says with a shrug, walking over to the side that my entire team is on and standing at the back.

After we had all of the teams picked we got to play. I see Lesley, who is on the other say something to Alexis who nods with a smirk.

I ignore it because we were still in a game and I figured that it would not have anything to do with me. I was wrong.

Boy, was I wrong?

"If you win I'll show you the stuff I bought over the past few days," Alexis whispers into my ear a few minutes later. I just look at her wide-eyed. I'm just going to assume that would be the stuff from victoria's secret.

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