chapter six | engagement

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"Holy shit, Lia, I'm so happy for you!" I exclaim. Amelia and Xavier just got engaged and I couldn't be happier. The two of them have been dating since Lia was a freshman in high school and Xavier was a sophomore in high school. She was going through a really bad situation at home and he helped her out majorly. I'm honestly surprised that Xavier waiting this long to propose to her.

"Thank you! I'm so excited" She says back to me. I'm glad that she and Xavier are together. As much as he annoys me, they are good together.

"So, when's the wedding?" I ask jokingly with a wiggle of my eyebrows. She giggles and replies with "I don't know, but not for a while. We're going to have to save money for a while before I can even think about starting to plan it."

"I better be a bridesmaid," I say pointing a joking finger at her.

"Me too!" Ariana says, chiming into our conversation. All of a sudden Xavier comes walking into my dorm, where we are, and picks up Amelia bridal style add carries her out while saying "if I could take my fiancé for a little while that would be great."

"I'm kind of surprised that he proposed already. It's not like it's too early or anything, but I just thought he would wait until they were out of school already." I think out loud. "I'm not surprised. They love each other very much so it's a good thing. I feel like the ring on her finger is going to help her." Ariana continues for me.

"Yeah, that's true. I'm still very happy for the both of them, just surprised is all." I finish the conversation and we get back to studying.

"Did you know that Lex finally admitted she likes Andrew?" Ariana asks Amelia and I bury my head in my hands embarrassed.

"You can't tell anyone," I say groaning at my red cheeks.

"We won't," Ariana says with a smirk. Oh god.

"You are so cute," Amelia says with her signature soft smile.

"Roll-call for 10/9 is now starting." Professor Jordan announces to the dance history class.

'Elizabeth Ashton... Olivia Bennett... Tyler Cruz... Ava Dickson...'

"Alexis Maxwell?" Jordan calls out and I raise my hand.

"Girls, get on your pointe shoes, and guys get on your ballet flats. We're doing a four-person group combo that was originally made in the Incan culture. This is to be performed at a college event on Saturday so it needs to get done." Jordan says, strictly.

We've been doing this for about an hour when we got dismissed for the end of class. "Damn, that was some hard work." One of the guys in my group, Damien said as we were walking out.

"Yeah, I wish that we learned this already so I had more time to get my technique and stuff down. Do you know what the event is that we are performing for?" I finish talking and ask him. "I'm not sure, I'm going to ask around and try to find out what it is because I have absolutely no idea." He explains to me.

"Same here. I have a jazz class so I'm going to ask my teacher when I get there, I'll see you later Damien." I say, waving and walking away. He waves back and walks into the hip-hop dance class hall.

Like the last few days, my mind has been going back to Daniel, Diego, Ryder, and Julian. I don't think that I have ever hated myself more than I do now. Knowing that I missed my father's funeral to go to classes just because I was scared of my own feeling will forever haunt me. I hate that I did that and I doubt my step-brothers will ever forgive me for the shit that I pulled.

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