chapter ten | flashback

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Sitting in my dorm room I'm just thinking back to how stupid I am. I am still seriously annoyed at myself for pulling that the other day with Andrew.


By the time I knew what was happening our lips were smashed together. Andrew pushed his tongue into my mouth making me let out a quiet moan.

He pulls me over, almost onto his lap, and puts one hand on my hip and the other on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. If that's possible. He lets a groan out into the kiss which pulls me out of the trans that he had me out into.

I shove off of him and stand up right away. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks me, pulling me closer to him.

"I-I can't," I say running into the hall and downstairs.


Not my finest moment. It's now November 16th, a bunch of days later and I haven't seen him since then. I can't believe that I ruined this by kissing him.

I don't even know if he kissed me first or if I kissed him first but all I know is that it should not have happened. I like him, but does he like me?

I don't think he does. I doubt he isn't aware that I like him because I'm blushing every two seconds when we are in the same room together.

I just want to apologize to him for everything. I miss him in my life, even just as a friend. I'm not going to risk losing him together because of my stupid feelings.

Once I build up the courage I head up a bunch of floors and knock on his door. I need to talk to him now or I probably will chicken out and not ever have the courage to do it. As I'm thinking about this here opens the door with Andrew behind it in black sweatpants with no shirt on him.

"Hey, can we.... talk?" I ask him very awkwardly. "Yes, come in, Alexis." He says pulling the door open wider and guiding me into his dorm.

"I know I kind of disappeared off the face of the earth for the past little while there and I am sorry about that. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for kissing you and probably making you uncomfortably the other night." I deeply apologize to him, wishing this never happened.

"It's not your fault, Alexis, we both did it and we're adults so you don't need to avoid me we could've talked about this the night it happened." He explains to me.

Of course, I already knew all of what he was saying, I'm just the most awkward person that there probably is.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you these days," I say to him. "It's okay, I get it you had to think I would've come to you but I didn't want to pressure you too much." He apologies to me.

How could I not like him? He is so sweet and thoughtful to everyone around him.

He pulls me into a hug and I put my hands on my face trying to control my blushing.

"So we're okay now?" He asks me, clarifying. "Yeah, we're good," I say with a light giggle, thinking about how stupid I've been over the last week to avoid him.

"Alright, I didn't mention it to the guys or the girls for two reasons. First of all the girls would freak the fuck out and if I told the guys they would find out anyway." He says as I head towards the door.

"Thank you so much. We never would have reheard the end of it. Especially me knowing the two of them." I say laughing.

"Alright, I should probably head out. I'll see you around" I say stepping into the hallway.

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