chapter one | coffee

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" up, up, down, down and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... and leap!" My dance instructor yells out to the dance history class. "Alright, that's it for today, everyone can head out to go and get showered and changed then meet back here for some information on your first assignment."

The dance history class that I take is about all sorts of dance types. It includes Tap, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Lyrical, and Ballet. Other aspects of it include learning about different types of dance in previous centuries and pairing with other sports teams and sports majors to earn about other activities.

After showering and putting on a white leotard, white tights, and pink warm-up booties I head back out onto the dance floor. "Alright everyone, I want you all to split into 2 groups. I want anyone that is a dance major closest to the mirror. I then want anyone who is in this class for another reason closest to the curtain." My professor, Jordan says.

As a dance major myself I can say that it is hard work taking all of these dance classes, but for me, it is so worth it. After I graduate from school I plan on being a dancer in a company for a few years, and then I'm going to open a studio. It's going to be called Taniec Keiry. It means Keira's dance in polish. That was my mom's native language and she used to be a dancer before she died, so I want my studio to honor her.

"Ok everyone, group a is you-" he says pointing at my group, the dance majors by the mirror. "And you guys are group b-" Jordan says, pointing at the other group of students. Group B is getting their assignment first so everyone else can pick a partner and stretch or just talk.

A guy that I met in this class and I have been working for some combos for a little while when Jordan calls us over. Ian is a good dancer and is easy to work with.

"Ok, all of you should be majors in dance if you are standing here right now. If you're not a major then feel free to leave." Jordan says, he pauses and gives everyone time to leave then continues.

"Your all going to be paired up with another person of the opposite gender in a different sport for this project." He lets out in one breath. You could hear a series of groans go around the room. For most other sports this wouldn't be a problem, but everyone has a thing about dance not being a sport.

"I'll be picking a sport for you guys; the assignment is that you will have to learn a part of their sport and they will have to learn a section of yours. All sports majors are doing it this year. You will be getting an email tonight with the name and sport of your partner." He says. "Your all dismissed." He says and opens the auditorium doors.

"Hey, girlie, are you excited about the project?" Ian asks me. I just send him a look and he understands. "Damn, Lex, if looks could kill." He says laughing. "I'm meeting the girls for lunch, want to come with us?" I ask him.

"No thanks, I'm meeting up with Ben for some coffee." He says. Ben is his boyfriend, they've been dating for about 2 years and are the cutest.

"Bye, Ian," I said as I waved to him and stepped in the other direction from him. "Bye, Lex," he says, extremely loud. He never calls me my actual name it's always something else. Usually Lex, short for Alexis.

"Wait, so you might pair up with a hot-ass football player or something, and you're mad about it?" Amelia asks me. "Seriously, Lia? You have a boyfriend" I say to her.

"Hey babe, funny seeing you here" her boyfriend, Xavier says, coming up and hugging her from behind. "Xav? I told you that I was going to be here." Lia says to him. He laughs a fake laugh, knowing that he had just been caught, by not only Amelia but also me and Ariana.

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