A sad thought struck me suddenly as I stood. Had Alice and Bella...left me here? Typical. They drag me here apparently knowing something was going to happen to me and now they've left me?

Regardless of my anger, I need to find them. Hell, even Edward would be a welcomed sight right now. Looking down at myself I was relieved to note that I was still clothed, the only thing missing were my shoes and hoodie but I could see them lying on one of the couches. 

I dragged myself over and put them both on sluggishly, the heavy sleep I'd been in moments before stubborn to release me. My feet dragged but somehow I made it to the heavy looking doors.

With the little strength I had I managed to pull one open, being faced with a dark stone hallway that stretched on forever, lit by torches. I shrieked in fright, my plans to wander and explore this strange place halted when the large form of Felix appeared in front of me so suddenly I felt my heart stop for a second. He grinned, his teeth flashing in a predatory smile.

"What the hell! Give me a little warning next time, would ya Lurch?" I huffed, taking in a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

"Forgive him. Felix enjoys scaring others but it really is harmless fun, my lady." The suave charming man from before sauntered to stand by his companion, smiling in a much more welcoming manner.

"Okay, we're gonna have to get some things straight here," They both raised their eyebrows looking intrigued, "My name is Elenora, not 'my lady' but please just call me Nora. I also would like to know what your name is so I can stop calling you dumb stuff in my head."

"My name is Demitri, my lady." He smiled, bending his body in a half bow before he straightened and smirked as I puffed in annoyance. I'll ignore him continuing with the dumb nickname for now. It was time for some much needed answers.

"Alright Demitri, would you be so kind as to take me to where my sister and her irritating parasite of a boyfriend are?" Both he and Felix actually laughed in appreciation at my name for Edward. It was refreshing to see other people who must dislike him as much as I did.

"I'm afraid that we have been informed to bring you straight to the Masters when you wake up, so please come with us." Demitri smiled kindly again, sweeping his arm in front of him inviting me to follow them. I hesitated, looking back into the magnificent room. Could I refuse to go and just stay here? This dark room wasn't that comforting either; plus the quicker I got this over with the quicker I'd see Bella. Making up my mind I stepped out of the room, closing the door and looking expectantly at the two...guards? If I had to guess that's what I'd say they were.

"Let's get this over with then." I grumbled, sneering at Felix when he chuckled, the deep sound echoing creepily in the corridor. He walked in front of me blocking anything from sight, leading the way and I felt Demitri fall into step beside me. We walked in silence but I couldn't say I wasn't grateful for that-it gave me time to think.

What were these 'Masters' going to do with me? It scared me to know nothing about what was going on—I didn't even know if Bella was alright. Maybe she hadn't abandoned me, maybe they... no. I tried convincing myself she wasn't hurt but something about these people told me they had the will and the capability to do it.

After walking for a long time, my legs aching in protest, we turned a corner into another long hallway; the two scary children from before stationed outside a single door, looking like the kids from the shining with their neat clothes and jarring, mocking smiles.

As we approached the stone faced blonde stared relentlessly, not once did she blink or even move. Now she was scary. She looked so...innocent, pure almost, like she wouldn't harm a fly but it was her eyes that gave her away to me. They say they are the windows to the soul and I could see hers was wicked. Her brother had a darkness to him too but it was nowhere near her level. As we stopped in front of them he gave me a friendly smile and relaxed his squared shoulders.

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