I have come undone

But I have just begun

Changing by Your grace

Like sunlight burning at midnight

Making my life something so beautiful, beautiful

Mercy reaching to save me, all that I need

You are so beaut-"

All of a sudden a loud band caused you to take your headphones out. Another loud bang caused you to come out from underneath the car, and once you were out you grabbed a weapon......pliers....okay.

"Who's there?" You said,but nobody answered. You walked out into your office type area. Next thing happened and then out of nowhere you pass out from getting hit in the back of the head.

Kid Flash ;)

Waking up to pain was something that wasn't so pleasent as anybody makes it or to be in the books. It's beyond worse. The wound that your parents made had started to bleed through the bandages that you had so carefully put on. Getting up to replace what was now a waste of bandages, but when you tryed to move your arms and legs, they were straddled down to a table. You stated to freak out and your breathing became labored.

"Hello! Someone please HELP ME! " you screamed

"Y/N please dear do be quite, you wouldn't want your new friends to be hurt because of you right? "Your mother said while walking in with your dad.

Wally, she's taking about Wally and the gang!

"I'll be quite please don't hurt my friends...please? " your mother went and got a electric tazer and turned it on walking towords you with a sly smile on her face.

"Then you better shut up and don't complain or else you will regret it. " and with that she tased you.

Hours and hours later they finally left and you layed there beaten and brokenb crying and crying and crying until it hurt to even cry. Dreaming about where Wally was, and what he was doing and that was doing both better and worse. You missed him and there's no way to deny that. Staying coped up in a room that you have no clue of was beyond scary and you didnt like one minute of it.

'Please Wally come and save me'

..............and you were out cold

Conner :$

Your brother was injured and there's nothing you can do besides to get on a plane and see him. That just didn't go as you had planned. Yes you boarded a plane and yes it did take off, but not even an hour into the flight did something bad happen. People had gone and barged into the planes roof, and guess who it was..... Joker,poison ivy, and a new guy dressed in all black not even his face was showing, he looked like the guy from G.I. Joe.....Snake! They quickly looked at the people as if they were scanning there faces; that's exactly what they were doing too..... scanning faces looking for yours. As soon as your face was scanned they lifted you of the plane and jumped out just in time for the plane to explode and kill all the people in the plane. (That's alot of plane....)

You knew that if you tryed hard enough to contact Megaán that it would finally get through to her.

"Megaàn!!!" you screamed in your head repeatedly until finally she answers.

"Y/N? What happened to you, where all worried about you plus Conners going crazy without you here......why is Jack calling Conner Daddy by the way? "

"Okay well im going to answer real fast so listen up. My brother Christian was at war in Iraq when I got a call yelling me that he was hurt and I needed to come and say my goodbyes. I left and got in a plane and know im captured by bad guys I know all except one and Jack calls Conner dad because he's the only father figure he has in his life, plus it's on the birth cirtificate that Conners the dad so I could keep the kids. " you rushed out.

"Who are the people that took you? " she asked

"Joker, Poison Ivy, and a guy dressed in all black from head to toe.......somethings happening.....oh god, oh god no please.....NO! !!" You screamed as they had taken you into a room with poison gas, you tried fighting but during your struggle it broke the connection from Megaàn and you couldn't fight anymore. Little did you know was that Megaàn had told the group everything and we're already planning a way for you to escape.

Aqualad :3

It had taken you less time then you thought it would, considering that your car had Noss in it and only about two gas refill spots. It took two and a half hours to get where your 'family' was, and they needed help. Cops we're chasing them, Mia had Gotten pregnant, she asked you to be the baby's aunt, Lettie had been killed by other racers, so basically this wasnt the best time for a family reunion.

"Hey Dom,long time no see" you said while running up to see him when you entered there, he caught you in a big brother hug smiling.

"Hey Y/N ,you ready? " he asked

"Of course just tell me so I can go back to my boyfriend" you said but then slapped a hand around your mouth.

"When did my lil sis get a boyfriend? "

"Uh a lil while ago, and don't worry he makes me happy, he's safe,doesn't do any street racing , I don't even believe that he drives, he's a good guy and I hope that you can meet him soon. " You had all rushed out into one big breath.

"Y/N don't worry okay is okay I'll hope to meet him soon as well but we have a job to do right now and then all of us will be done with racing expecially with a baby on the way we need money so we're going to be robbing the riches man in Purue." He listed who, what, and where everything is to be done.

* 2 hours later *

Your phone had started to vibrate in your pocket indicating that someone was calling you. Quickly pulling it out and answering it without looking at the caller ID.

"What? " you said while quickly siding gears putting the phone on speaker and then throwing it into the passenger seat.

"Y/N where are you? I've been looking everywhere for you and I can't find you-" the vault that you and Dom where dragging along the back of your guys car had hit a bank and screams could be heard. "What was that Y/N why are people screaming? "

You told Kaldar to hold on while you started to talk to Dom.

"Dom where both not going to make it! "

"Stay positive Y/N were going to finish this job and go back to having normal lives" he tried to tell you but when you broke his write onto the vault he started to yell, "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING? "

"Dom you have a family, a sister whos pregnant and the family will just keep growing,you need to leave and take care of them. I will take care of everything here please tell everyone I love them." and with that you disconnected the walki talki(?).

"Y/N please come back to me safely" Kaldar said

"I can't promise you that....but I can promise you this, I love you" and with that you drove hitting cars and going to attack the guy this vault belonged to.

As soon as you had snagged his car you made it explode as well and that explosion sent you off the bridge you were on.

Hey author here and sorry for not updating but I have had essays, drama practice, choir practices, and family problems so please don't kill me. I hope that this big update is a good enough gift! Coment, like, and share!

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