Satoshi: alright...... let's keep him.

Jeanne: you mean it?!

Satoshi: haha yeah, now let's get out of here before someone sees us.

Jeanne: right!

The couple hurried back home, it was already late at night, the couple sat down on the couch wrapping her new baby on their arms.

Satoshi: so what should we name our son?

Jeanne: oh I though about this one on our way home, Hitohito.

This caused the little baby to giggle.

Jeanne: you like it? Do you like it my sweet Hitohito?

Satoshi: Hitohito, yeah I like the sound of that.

That night the life of the couple would change forever, but little did they know that their lives would be turned upside down since that was no ordinary baby.

3 months later

Satoshi: honey have you seen my keys? I can't seem to find them.

Jeanne: -with Hito in her arms- have you checked on the kitchen?

Satoshi: I have, but I can't seem to find them.

Jeanne: hold on I'll help you.

Jeanne put Hito on the floor and aided her husband on the search of the keys, Hitohito on the other hand reached to where the couch was.

Jeanne: found them.

Satoshi: thanks Jeanne.

Jeanne: no problem dear you I always- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!

Satoshi: what is it- WHAT THE HELL?!

The couple couldn't believe what they saw, their baby who wasn't even one year old lifted the whole couch with one hand and giggling while doing it so.

Satoshi: this is a dream... right?

Jeanne: it has to be, it has to be a dream..... our son is lifting our couch.

Hitohito: -giggling.- mama, papa!

Jeanne: Hito-chan... put down the couch slowly please. ( I can't believe I'm really saying that.)

Hitohito placed down the family couch and began to yawn, Jeanne picked him up and placed him on the craddle.

Satoshi: well that was something.

Jeanne: dear ..... you think our son will have a normal life?

Jeanne looked at her husband with tears in our eyes, Satoshi quickly wrapped her around in a hug.

Jeanne: -sniffs- the kids..... they are gonna be afraid of him...

Satoshi: Jeanne... I promise you that our son will have a normal life, he will grow up like a normal kid we just have to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Jeanne: you..... -sniffs- yeah you're probably right dear.

Satoshi: we have an extraordinary child, and you and I will do a great job raising him.

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