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"Claire will you please just calm down!" Evelyn and Maia followed their friend into her apartment.

"No! You're being fake Evelyn!" Claire all but screamed at Evelyn.

"How? I didn't do anything to you." Evelyn tried to remain calm.

"You and Jeff were hanging out without me." Claire crossed her arms.

"Claire, Evelyn and Jeff are friends. They can hangout without you." Maia defended her best friend.

"And it's kind of rude to show up at someone's apartment complex uninvited Claire. Neither of us even gave you his address, you went on find my i-phone to find where I was! That's like stalking!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Because you're being a homewrecker." Claire told her.

"There's no home to wreck!" Maia and Evelyn both said at the same time.

"Well guess what? You're running around pushing yourself on him and the vlog squad like they actually care about you. You're probably just hooking up with Jeff because you're jealous of me and you don't want him and I together. Then he's gonna leave you in the dirt and you're gonna move onto another guy in the vlog squad. You'll probably use all of them and then--"

"She's pregnant!" Maia exclaimed, cutting her off. Evelyn's face completely dropped. "I'm sorry Evelyn, I know you don't want anyone to know but she's accusing you of sleeping around with the vlog squad when you're not. Evelyn is pregnant and Jeff is just helping her out because of how hard and stressful it's been." Evelyn thanked god that Maia didn't tell Claire that Jeff was the father. "You have no fucking reason to be accusing her of such things just because you're jealous. That's right, you're jealous not her."

Claire stared at the two of them in shock. "Pregnant? You're pregnant?"

"Yes." Evelyn nodded. "And before you start assuming that I fucked all the guys in the vlog squad and now have no idea who the father is, I got pregnant before I knew all of them."

"Does Jeff know about this?" Claire received a nod in reply. "Well, now I know he won't get with you." she laughed.

Evelyn clenched her jaw. "Fuck you Claire." she grabbed her bag and stormed out of the apartment.

Maia looked at Claire infuriated. "You know the pain she went through with her last break up? When Lucas cheated on her, we were the ones that were there for her. Jeff actually makes her happy and you're ruining it for her. So stop being a selfish bitch and realize that Evelyn didn't do anything to you. Stop making her feel like shit."

Claire stood before her, speechless. Everything Maia said was true.

Evelyn's ex-boyfriend was spotted kissing another woman at a club one night after they had been together for almost four years. She was absolutely heartbroken and she didn't consider dating again until months after the breakup when she met Jeff at the club with Mariah. Claire and Maia were there for her through the break up except, there was one secret that two of them did not know.

Claire was the one that kissed Evelyn's ex-boyfriend.

She was so jealous over her friends happy relationship that she had so she tried to ruin it. And she did ruin it when paparazzi got pictures of Lucas with his hands on another woman. They didn't get pictures of her face though so everyone assumed it was some random girl.

"I didn't--"

"No you didn't think that maybe she needs Jeff." Maia snapped. "If they're happy then the least you could do is stop stalking Jeff and making him uncomfortable."

"I do not make him uncomfortable." Claire scoffed.

"You went to his apartment building just so him and Evelyn wouldn't hang out alone. You waited by his parking spot while he went to get her food. You're always trying to touch his hair--"

"Okay stop." Claire cut her off.

"No, get it through your mind Claire, please. I don't want you to hurt Evelyn."

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