
563 13 0

August 10th
Los Angeles

It's been a month since that very awkward week where I was brought into the vlog squad and I told Jeff about the baby. We've been spending a lot of time together and people are probably beginning to get skeptical about how we grew so close in such little time.

I hate to admit it, but I've definitely grown feelings for him. It's pretty hard not too. He's just so sweet to me even if he's having a bad day. I try my best to not have random mood swings towards him which I've noticed has been happening a lot. He's very patient with me and he takes care of me when I get tired from doing nothing. Something about having a baby is just exhausting.

I've introduced Jeff to my group of friends but I still haven't come up with the courage to tell any of them that I'm pregnant. I'm just terrified that when I do tell them, they might think I'm stupid or something for probably ruining my career.

Now the one thing I'm worried about is Claire. She has a huge crush on Jeff and when I say this I don't mean a silly little celebrity crush I mean full on head over heals high school type shit. There's times when she'd glare at me for having his attention if he ever hung out on set with me because she expects his focus to be on her.

And that's where Maia and I are right now, on set discussing Claire's behavior.

"No, she like totally has it out to get you." Maia laughed.

"I don't understand why." I shook my head. "She's supposed to be one of my bestfriends and she's ruining that for what? A guy that doesn't like her back?"

"Maybe it's because this certain guy is head over heals for you." she smirked.

I blushed and shook my head. "No way. Him and I are just friends."

"Friends who are going to have a baby together."

Okay, I couldn't keep this secret from her. I had to tell her after she started questioning how Jeff and I met. But she promised not to tell anyone so hopefully she doesn't break that.

"Claire's gonna murder me." I put my head in my hands.

"Evie, she can't be mad." Maia shook her head. "One, Jeff was your friend first and you've known each other longer. Two, it's very obvious that he doesn't like her and she can't be upset about that. And three, she doesn't even like him the way you do, she just finds him hot."

"Wait a minute, I do not like him." I laughed nervously.

"Don't lie bitch." she snorted.

"I'm not! He's just my baby daddy okay? That's it." I lied. I wish he was so much more.

Before she could come up with something else to say my trailer door swung open and in came Claire dragging Jeff along.

This is what annoys me. She treats him like an object. I had asked him to go get me some in and out and she insisted on going with him. When he said he'd rather go alone she decided to wait outside until he came back so that they could walk back to my trailer together to have some "alone time".

"Hey guys, sorry we took so long." she giggled obnoxiously.

"Yeah, sorry Angel, there was a long line in the drive-thru." Jeff told me with a heavily annoyed sigh. He sat down beside me on the couch, draping his arm around the cushion behind me.

"Mm. This is so good." I moaned as I took a bite out of the burger. Maia laughed probably knowing how over dramatic I've been about food since finding out I was pregnant.

"You act like a pig." Claire laughed a little too hard making me stop and realize how fast I was eating.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry." I set the burger down and drank from my soda.

Jeff frowned and handed me the burger again. "Hey, you're not doing anything wrong." I smiled slightly at him before taking tinier bites. He took one of my fries making me gasp.

"Excuse me, you never take a woman's fries!" I exclaimed. Jeff snatched a handful and shoved them in his mouth. "Jeffrey!" I went to smack him but he jumped up and moved away. "I'm going to kill you. But later because right now I'm enjoying my burger."

Jeff giggled adorably and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "David needs me over at his house so I gotta go but I'll stop by later if I can."

"Okay, drive safe please." I told him. He nodded his head then waved at Maia before turning to leave. Maia and I both held in laughs when he practically ignored Claire.

"Okay listen Evie, you need to back off of Jeff." Claire's snobby voice snapped at me when he left.

"What?" I looked at her in confusion.

"You heard me, I called dibs. We're friends and since I like him you can't."

"I don't like him Claire." I told her.

"Yes you do! You're always with him and you even like spend the night at his house." she said angrily. "So do me a favor and stop hanging out with him!

"Did it ever cross your mind that maybe Jeff is my best friend?" I stood up to be level with her. "I've known him longer than you have and I'm the one that brought him here!" I was beyond pissed right now. "I'm not going to stop hanging out with him just because you say so. Now how about you do me a favor, get the fuck out of my workplace and leave Jeff the fuck alone."

Claire looked at me furiously. She scoffed before pushing me onto the couch and storming out of my trailer. I looked at Maia in shock of what just happened.

"She's a psycho." Maia shook her head.

"More like a lunatic."

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Photograph || Jeff WittekWhere stories live. Discover now