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June 14th
Los Angeles

I woke up to the feeling of someone moving around in bed beside me. I was confused for a second before remembering that I stayed at Evelyn's last night.

It was honestly one of the best nights I've had in a long time. We stayed up talking most of the night and she told me all about her acting career. She plays a role in The Fosters which I found very interesting. She was very open about a lot of stuff and I even opened up to her about a lot.

When I told her why I'd been to prison, she didn't judge me like most people do. She was actually interested in letting me explain myself and talk. Then we were talking about the baby and I could tell she tried to hide her excitement.

I guess our situation isn't ideal to have your first kid, but it's still our baby nonetheless.

I looked down at Evelyn who had her back to my chest. She had her head resting on my bicep that was laid out across her pillows. My other arm was around her waist and without even realizing it my hand was on her stomach. I smiled slightly and rubbed my thumb back and forth.

She's absolutely perfect.

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June 16th
Los Angeles

It's been two days since Jeff spent the night at my house and I've been thinking about him constantly. I hope it's the same for him.

David has invited us over to film a video with him and we're all piled into the tesla. Apparently we're going to some party which made me very anxious but since Jeff would be there, I felt more relaxed.

"How are we all supposed to fit in here?" Heath asked.

"We're gonna need a mini van soon." Jeff said.

"More like a magic school bus." I joked making everyone laugh.

"Someone's gonna have to sit in between the middle row and some people are gonna have to sit on top of each other." David said from the drivers seat.

Zane sat in the middle of the two middle seats while Heath, Todd, and Scotty got in the back. I climbed in the Tesla and looked around before my eyes locked with Jeff's.

"Just sit on Jeff's lap." Matt pushed me down onto Jeff. I yelped but thankfully he caught me before my head hit the door.

"This is incredibly unsafe." I told everyone as David pulled out of the driveway. My arm was around Jeff's shoulder to keep myself stable.

"Oh please you know you're enjoying that." Zane motioned to me being on Jeff's lap. Both of us blushed and I looked out the window.

Halfway through the drive I felt Jeff's hand slide up my thigh and rest just below my stomach. He seemed hesitant on moving it further but I reached down and lifted it onto my stomach. I felt him lean his head on my back and I just knew he was hiding a smile.

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Photograph || Jeff WittekWhere stories live. Discover now