Chapter 21

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"Why Raiden?". Sasuke asked looking at Itachi who smiled gently.

"My younger brother! his chakra natures is lightning and fire and the name represents them. At that time I didn't know whether it will suit my child or not but after meeting someone with the same name, I am sure it will suit the baby if it's a boy. " He answered truthfully.

Sasuke really though he could control his tears but, how wrong was he when a single trail of tear tell down his cheek and the pain in his heart increased.

"What if it's a girl?". The Uchiha asked, somehow thinking that Itachi will tell a common name and Raiden only stands a chance if it's a boy.

"Well then, Sazumi or Satami. It's a mixture of m.... "

"...of your name, your brother's and your wife's. You must love them so much... ". Sasuke interrupted Itachi before asking a question he already knew the answer to, but he just wanted to hear it again.

One more time.

"I do! And I wish, I could have protected him better..... " Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed in confusion noticing the evident guilt in his eyes just like his brother in the original dimension, who wished he could have done things in a better way for Sasuke from afar. But he did the best he could considering the truth he had to protect which destroyed them.

"From what?". Itachi sighed, closing his eyes before opening his mouth to continue.

"They way he is now....if only I had paid more attention to him, he would have never gotten involved with the bad people of the neighborhood. He wasn't like this before, all he wanted was me but I was too busy on missions and practices that he found interest with the bad people. I just wish after the baby is born who will be named after him, he might change.... I wish I could have protected him better". The regret in his voice was enough for Sasuke to understand what he feels afterall he felt the same emotions when Itachi made him saw the truth about him though his eye.

"You did! what you can, considering your position. Don't blame yourself for something he did to himself. But like you said, you love your brother and I am sure he loves you just need to truthfully tell him what you think of him, rather than hide it from him". Itachi looked over at Sasuke in astonishment.

"You say it like you know Sasuke too......"

"I don't! But I am very good at making a perception out of everything and everyone". Sasuke told the half truth, looking back at the sky. Soon it will be twelve o'clock then neither he or Sakura would have to ever return to this rachet dimension.

"Ah! I should have known. Do you have any brother by any chance?". Itachi asked and Sasuke's breath got struck inside his throat.

Many people think, it's easy to say the word died along with person's name you have always known. But they're wrong, it's so difficult to just say those words without feeling as if you're being choked or having to relive their death.

"Had... " So Sasuke replied, choosing the easiest way because saying 'He died', makes it too real and painful. Makes him think about the day he died and those days they were together.

Itachi's eyes widen in shock. A sharp pain going through his heart after hearing what Raiden said. It made him think, what will he ever do? if he, were to loose Sasuke. Itachi can't even began to think about the pain that young man must have went through because Itachi would definitely have lost it, if something were to happen to his little brother. "Oh! I am so sorry.."

The painful silence stretched between the Uchiha's after Sasuke's mention of his dead brother, none of them spoke as the ravenette kept on gazing at the sky with tearful eyes and Itachi kept on looking at the broken lost boy.

The older Uchiha got up since it was quite late and Izumi must be waiting for him but not before putting his calloused hand over Sasuke's head who froze upon the connect.

"I have to go Raiden, gomen...". The ravenette nodded in understanding considering it was really polite of him to even stay when he doesn't even know him technically.

"Matakondo da..... arigato". Itachi gently rubbed Sasuke's head as tears fell down his face which went unnoticed by his brother since it was really dark and his face was covered with hair.

(Maybe next time......thank you)

The brotherly moment was preserved by both of the Uchiha's before Itachi vanished and Sasuke finally let out a sound.

"Ah! Damn you Itachi!". The tears of pain, aggression, many years of want and loss seeped off his onyx eyes, trailing down his pale cheeks, "Damn you!".

'I am sorry Sasuke, maybe next time'. That's the exact phrase Itachi used to say to his younger brother whenever he asked for his time, along with a poke on his forehead which silently conveyed his love and regret for not being able to give enough attention to his younger brother. And even though Sasuke is in another dimension, this brother is quite the same in many ways that it hurts him and makes his hatred for the village elders stronger and stronger by each passing minute.

I will kill all the Kages and the elders before making a new shinobi world where there will be peace and no one will use a child for their benefit, no one would seal a greater power inside a child without their consent, no one will steal someone's power for greed. It will be a world of equality and I will build it, brother. I promise.

Laying his head over the back rest, he let the fresh tears dry naturally through the wind.

"It's time". Sasuke spoke after a few minutes, sitting straight. He made a summoning sign before biting into the flesh of his thumb to draw blood, as in a poof of smokes appeared his hawk infront of Sasuke.

"Summoning jutsu!".

Garuda bowed infront of his summoning master and Sasuke knowledged him with a slight nod before getting on his back. The hawk waited untill Sasuke adjusted himself atop his back before taking off in the sky.

"Take the east direction from the village entrance and in one mile look for a run-down cottage". The wind soared pass his pale face as he commanded the animal who replied hoarsely, "Hai!".


⚠️ATTENTION⚠️: Check-out my new Naruhina FF (if you're interested in that ship), "Belong Together".

It would mean a lot to me, if you guys could shower the same love on my other book like you guys did in LIAD

IG: @theiawrites




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