Chapter 29

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"What if they don't like me?" Izuku asked Hatsume worriedly.

He was on his way to meet Eijiro in the pub they went to last time but, this time, Izuku would not only meet Kaminari but also Eijiro's other friends. That's why he felt incredibly nervous. He didn't know what to expect and had to call Hatsume to try to calm his nerves down.

"Stop worrying for nothing, Izuku. I'm sure it'll be fine." Hatsume said but Izuku couldn't help but be anxious. "What if something goes wrong? Do you think he would dump me if his friends told him to?" He kept getting concerned as he walked back and forth in some random street.

"Come on, the guy's crazy about you. Didn't he tell you he would cherish you forever after fucking you?" Hatsume replied and Izuku instantly blushed at her words. "Mei!"

"What? Just repeating what you told me." The beta chuckled in response. Izuku had told her everything about his first time so of course she would use the information to tease Izuku. "Anyway, you'd better worry about tonight when you'll patrol the city." She suddenly changed the subject of the conversation. "I made you another tracker that should work better. Try to inject it into Doragon again."

"I will." Izuku answered. It had been a few days since he last wore his vigilante costume and helped people, but tonight was the perfect moment to do so since Eijiro also had the night patrol.

"Well, gotta go. Try not to freak out too much and be safe!" Hatsume exclaimed before hanging up, leaving Izuku alone with his worries. He didn't have any other choice but to enter the pub where Eijiro and his friends were in, his heart racing inside his chest as he looked for them among the crowd.

"Izuku!" Someone called his name and Izuku turned around to see Eijiro motioning him over, relief instantly washing over him at the sight of his alpha.

"Come here, beautiful." Eijiro smiled as he pulled Izuku close to him. He had saved a seat just for the tiny omega. "I missed you." He put a loving kiss on top of Izuku's forehead before nuzzling his neck, rubbing his scent on the omega so that other alphas knew he was off limits.

"I missed you, too." Izuku cutely blushed while letting out a low purr. He couldn't help but remember what they had just done a few hours before, when he had used a butt plug at school and masturbated with Eijiro on the phone, the memory instinctively causing his cheeks to heat up.

Still, he quickly forgot all about his embarrassment while Eijiro continued to shower him with affection. He always loved it when Eijiro scented him. Actually, he was so focused on Eijiro rubbing his scent all over him that he didn't even notice the people looking at him before they broke the silence.

"Oh, he's so cute!" A beta girl with pink skin exclaimed in a high-pitched tone.

"Don't be so loud, Mina, you're gonna scare him." The dark-haired alpha next to her gently scolded her, an amused smile on his lips while Kaminari excitedly greeted Izuku. "Long time no see, Midoriya!"

"H-hello..." Izuku timidly waved at Eijiro's friends, his shy but adorable behaviour making them smile.

"So, I'm sure you all already know them but here are Denki, Mina and Sero." Eijiro told Izuku as he pointed to each of his friends. He had one arm wrapped around Izuku's slim waist, making sure the tiny omega felt safe and comfortable around everyone.

"Bakugou should also join us soon." He added and Izuku's heart suddenly jumped inside his chest at the words. "Bakugou? You mean..." He hesitantly asked, his anxiety spiking up when Eijiro answered in the affirmative. "Ground Zero, yeah."

Izuku had already seen Katsuki when he patrolled the city as a vigilante, but seeing him and talking to him wasn't the same thing. Katsuki was a dominant alpha and known to be rude and scary, that's why Izuku apprehended seeing him. Moreover, he was Eijiro's best friend. Getting his approval surely was important.

"Oh, there he is." Eijiro said as he raised his hand to catch the attention of Katsuki who was entering the pub they were in.

"Bakugou! You finally showed up!" Kaminari exclaimed while smiling widely. It was rare that Katsuki joined them when they went out; the blond alpha much preferred to go home than to party with them.

"Yeah. Don't make me fucking regret it." He grunted as he took the seat next to Sero.

"Come on, you know you always have fun with us." Mina said with a giggle and Katsuki rolled his eyes in response. "Sure." He snorted, when his red eyes suddenly landed on Izuku. Slowly looking at the tiny omega up and down, he took the time to assess him before speaking out: "That's your new omega?" He asked Eijiro while keeping his eyes on Izuku.

"He is, and his name is Izuku Midoriya." Eijiro answered with a frown. He didn't like the way Katsuki was talking as if Izuku wasn't even here. Plus, he could tell his staring was making Izuku really uncomfortable. He had no choice but to start to release soothing pheromones and to gently squeeze Izuku's thigh so that the tiny omega would calm down.

"H-hello, nice to meet you..." Izuku managed to stammer once he felt Eijiro's reassuring scent surround him. He felt incredibly nervous as Katsuki kept looking at him but at least knew that Eijiro would never let anything happen to him. Still, Katsuki's silence and intense staring were unnerving.

"He doesn't seem too bad." Katsuki finally stated, his words instantly making Izuku relax.

"Wow, that's amazing coming from Bakugou!" Sero seemed shocked.

"I never heard him compliment someone before!" Kaminari added and Katsuki annoyingly scoffed at their comments. "Shut up, assholes." He growled but had no such luck as his friend kept teasing him.

Meanwhile, Eijiro was concerned about Izuku. "You okay?" He asked as he gently caressed Izuku's thigh, making sure the tiny omega was okay after what had just happened.

"Yes..." Izuku timidly answered and Eijiro put a tender kiss on his forehead in response. "Don't be too nervous. What they think of you doesn't matter to me." He assured. He could tell Izuku was worried about his friends' opinions of him. "I love you and nothing could ever change that."

"Eijiro..." Izuku's heart melted at Eijiro's words. It seemed like Eijiro always knew what to say to make him feel better and Izuku was so grateful to have him as his alpha. He couldn't resist leaning in to kiss Eijiro, their lips meeting in a chaste but incredibly tender kiss for a few seconds.

"You guys are adorable." Mina giggled at their display of affection and Izuku blushed in response.

"You got a patrol, tonight?" Sero asked Eijiro.

"Yeah, gotta leave in one hour." The redhead replied with a sigh. He wished he could have fun with his friends for a longer time than go to bed with Izuku, but duty unfortunately called.

"Same. Let's hope we finally catch Doragon." Sero said, the mention of Doragon making Katsuki scowl. "This bastard gets on my fucking nerves. Can't wait to finally explode his face." The blond alpha growled in annoyance.

Not being able to arrest Doragon was starting to irritate everyone, especially heroes. It wasn't normal that one single villain was giving them so much trouble. They should have already stopped him long ago.

But Doragon was incredibly strong and smart, always appearing and disappearing whenever he wished. It looked like no attack could harm him, all traces of injuries on his body gone the day after. It was tremendously frustrating.

"Tonight, for sure, we'll get him." Eijiro declared with determination, Izuku unknowingly nodding at the redhead's words.

They were gonna catch Doragon, whatever it took.

To be continued

I hope you're liking the story so far!

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