Chapter 22

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"So, what do you wanna eat?" Eijiro asked Izuku once they arrived at his penthouse. "I bought you chocolate and all kinds of snacks since I didn't know what you'd prefer. We can also order something if you have any cravings at all."

Omegas usually ate a lot before their heat. They needed a lot of nutrients because they barely ate once in heat - it was how their body worked - and that's why Eijiro had bought all kinds of food he thought Izuku would like.

"Thank you." Izuku was amazed. It was so thoughtful of Eijiro to think about this, really. "But I'm not really hungry..." He nevertheless admitted in a timid murmur.

"You're not?" Eijiro frowned in response. He had rarely met an omega that wasn't hungry before their heat, but it looked like Izuku wasn't like other omegas for this matter.

"I'm not. I often feel sick before going into heat..." Izuku explained. "My belly hurts and I can't eat a lot."

"It hurts, right now?" Eijiro immediately asked and Izuku acquiesced in response. "A little..." It wasn't that bad, but it felt uncomfortable and disagreeable. It also affected his mood since his hormones got all over the place when he was in heat. It really wasn't a pleasant moment.

"You should have told me sooner." Eijiro unexpectedly said as he pulled Izuku closer to him. Wrapping his arms around his slim waist, he put a loving kiss on top of Izuku's head before starting to release soothing pheromones.

"But I don't want to annoy you with my problem, it's not a big deal..." Izuku replied in a whisper. The truth was that he was scared to irritate Eijiro if he started complaining, but Eijiro didn't seem to care about that. "It is. I don't want you to feel any pain." He said and Izuku's heart filled with flutters at the words.

"How about a warm bath? You think it'll make you feel better?"

"You'd be with me?" Izuku asked with big hopeful eyes.

"If you want to, of course." Eijiro obviously answered with an amused smile. Izuku was too cute for his own good. How could he possibly say no to anything the omega wanted?

"I wanna take a bath with you," Izuku replied and so Eijiro took his hand in his. "Let's do this, then." He led Izuku to his luxurious bathroom. Leaning over the black bathtub, he turned the water on and started to fix the temperature. "What temperature do you like?"

"Warm. 40°C at least." Izuku answered and Eijiro smiled in response. "Same." He said after fixing the temperature to 40°C, letting the water fill the bathtub as he turned around to look at Izuku. "Are you waiting for me to undress you?" He asked with the obvious intent to tease Izuku.

The question made Izuku blush, an adorable rosy shade spreading over his freckled cheeks. But instead of stammering and hiding his face like he usually did, he unexpectedly responded to Eijiro. "Maybe I am."

His new bold side caused Eijiro to smirk. "It'll be my pleasure." The alpha grinned before pulling Izuku's body flush against his. Wrapping a hand around Izuku's neck, he pressed their lips together in a hot and passionate kiss. Izuku moaned as he kissed Eijiro back, both starting to undress the other.

"You're so handsome..." He unexpectedly said as he let his hands travel all over Eijiro's muscular body. He traced the shape of Eijiro's pecs and abs with his hands, loving how firm they felt under his palms.

"Yeah?" Eijiro's chest swelled with pride at the words. "Yes. I love how big your biceps are." Izuku confessed and Eijiro couldn't contain the amused smirk that took over his features. "You less shy when you're in heat?" It's not like he was complaining, but Izuku was for sure acting differently than usual. It was a nice change.

"I don't know." Izuku honestly answered. He had never spent his heat with anyone before so he couldn't know how his behaviour changed when around people. Maybe he just felt so comfortable around Eijiro that he didn't feel the need to be shy.

"Come here, let's get into the bathtub," Eijiro said after putting one last kiss on Izuku's lips. Sitting into the now-filled bathtub first, he then placed Izuku between his legs, his muscular chest pressed against the omega's back.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" He asked as he began to rub gentle circles on Izuku's belly.

"Yes, but I like it when you rub it..." Izuku purred in answer. He absolutely loved how affectionate Eijiro always was with him, and the fact that Eijiro seemed to really care about something as little as a stomachache meant a lot to him.

"It soothes the pain?"

"Yes, feels good." Izuku got even more comfortable as Eijiro started to press tender kisses on his nape and shoulders. His purrs were getting louder, almost resonating in the silent bathroom.

"You know what would make you feel better?" Eijiro asked and Izuku shook his head in response. "No?"

"An orgasm." Eijiro seductively murmured right into his ear, the words causing shivers to run down Izuku's spine. "It's the best pain medicine." It was the truth. It was a known fact that orgasms helped reduce the pain of stomach cramps. It was a natural remedy. "Wanna try?" Eijiro offered before wrapping his hand around Izuku's swelling member, the action causing a low moan to escape Izuku's lips.

"I wanna try." The tiny omega whimpered breathlessly as Eijiro began to stroke him at a slow but pleasurable pace.

"Turn around, pup." Eijiro asked in his usual commanding voice and Izuku didn't waste time to obey. He turned around to face Eijiro, the alpha unexpectedly making him stand up so that his member was right in front of his face.

"I'll suck you off." He stated bluntly.

"What? B-but you're an alpha..!" Izuku exclaimed just as a dark blush took over his features.

"And?" His comment made Eijiro frown, until Izuku explained himself in a timid murmur. "W-well, I thought alphas weren't supposed to give head, but only to receive it..."

"Who told you this bullshit?" Eijiro replied right away. It was true that alphas usually gave head less often than omegas did, but it didn't mean they couldn't pleasure their omegas in this way if they wanted to. 

"It was your ex, wasn't it?" Eijiro asked and Izuku didn't answer, but the way he nervously bit his bottom lip was enough for Eijiro to understand he had guessed right. "Don't believe what he said. Of course alphas can give head, too. Actually, I'll show you how it's done."

And show Izuku he did.

The omega had never received a blow job before and so it wasn't long before he lost his mind in pleasure. He barely managed to stay up, his legs trembling as he buried his hands into Eijiro's red hair. "Oh god!" He whimpered when Eijiro slipped two fingers inside him in addition to the mouth already working around him.

It was too much for him. Eijiro had only started pleasuring him a few minutes ago and he already was coming inside his alpha's mouth. His orgasm was fast and intense.

"That was quick." Eijiro commented with a smirk once he finally let go of Izuku. However, one look at Izuku's crying face was enough to make his eyes widen. "You okay, beautiful?" He immediately asked with concern, using one hand to gently caress Izuku's cheek so that the omega would look at him.

Izuku's whole face was completely flushed, tears rolling down his cheeks as heavy pants left his pink lips. His emerald eyes were half-lidded, and the way arousing pheromones started to ooze out of him were enough clues for Eijiro to suddenly understand what was happening. 

"Shit, did I trigger your heat..?"

To be continued

Hey, I hope you liked this chapter! I decided to keep some smut to make you happy haha but let's hope Wattpad won't delete this story because of it.

The chapters about Izuku's heat are way too explicit for me to post here, however, so you can only find them on my Patreon account if you want to read them (there is fingering, choking, frottage, use of sex toys...).

I wish you all a good day/night!

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