Chapter 23

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"Mhm..." Izuku let out a small moan as Eijiro continued to kiss him slowly.

They were cuddling on the sofa of the living room, Izuku sitting on Eijiro's lap as they faced each other. They were both dressed but their clothes would soon disappear if they continued to kiss like they were doing. The passion between them was almost palpable.

"More..." Izuku whispered against Eijiro's lips. He wasn't in heat anymore. Actually, his heat had ended just this morning, when Eijiro had woken him up with a rim job.

Spending his entire heat with his alpha had been amazing. Eijiro had kept pleasuring him non-spot, not leaving him unsatisfied even once. He had even used sex toys when he was busy with work meetings and couldn't take care of Izuku's needs, making sure Izuku never suffered during his heat.

Izuku had tried to repay the favour by giving Eijiro a few blow jobs, but even then Eijiro often refused saying that Izuku was the priority. Really, Izuku couldn't have asked for someone better to spend his heat with an alpha for the first time. His heat had been filled with pleasure instead of pain like he was used to.

"Yes..." He whimpered softly as Eijiro began to kiss down his neck. Eijiro's hands were gently massaging his ass-cheeks, the sensation of Eijiro's lips and hands on him causing his heart to tingle inside his chest.

"You're so pretty." Eijiro murmured right into his ear and Izuku's belly filled with butterflies at the compliment. He loved how gentle Eijiro always was with him. And the fact that the alpha hadn't tried to take things further than foreplay during his entire heat had meant so much to Izuku. It showed he could really trust him.

"Eijiro..." Calling out Eijiro's name in a timid whisper, Eijiro stopped kissing his neck to look into his emerald eyes. "Yes, beautiful?" He replied, his thumb gently caressing Izuku's cheek as he patiently waited for the omega to talk.

The truth was that Izuku was nervous, but he had thought a lot during the last few days. He trusted Eijiro like he had never trusted anyone before, and he knew the alpha would never hurt him. His heat had only confirmed what he already thought; Eijiro would never take advantage of him.

Actually, Eijiro was everything Izuku was looking for: respectful and sweet, but also strong and incredibly attractive. He knew how to take care of Izuku and how to make him forget all about his problems. It was amazing how Izuku always felt safe and loved by Eijiro's side...

Maybe he was the one.

Izuku couldn't know for sure yet but, at any rate, he wanted Eijiro to be the one for him. He wanted Eijiro to be his alpha, not just now but for the long term. So, taking a deep breath, he told Eijiro the only thing he could think of, three words that meant absolutely everything to him:

"I'm ready."

Eijiro didn't understand at first. "You're ready?" He repeated what Izuku had just said, so Izuku had no choice but to be more precise about what he was talking about. "I want you to take my virginity..." He confessed in a timid whisper, his cheeks turning an adorable rosy shade as the words left his lips.

Giving his virginity to Eijiro meant so much for him. It meant he was choosing Eijiro as his alpha, not for the moment but for life. He wanted Eijiro to be his first and only partner, that's why he was ready to give him something as precious and important as his first time.

But Eijiro's answer wasn't the one he was expecting: "I don't think you're ready yet." The red-haired alpha replied.

"What..?" Izuku was obviously taken aback. He had thought that Eijiro would feel honoured or at least happy that he was allowing him to take his virginity, but it didn't look like it was the case at all.

"Let's not rush things, pup. We've got all the time in the world."

"You don't want me..?" Izuku asked in a small voice. He didn't understand why Eijiro was reacting like this.

"I never said that-" Eijiro began to answer but Izuku didn't let him finish: "You did!" The tiny omega suddenly raised his voice. He was feeling hurt and angry. He couldn't believe Eijiro had rejected him when it had taken him so much courage to say what he had just said. "I'm telling you that I'm ready but you don't want to do it with me!"

"And how could you tell you're ready when you've got no damn experience, huh?" Eijiro didn't appreciate the way Izuku shouted at him. "You really think you can take me? You'll only end up hurting yourself."

"That's not true!"

"It is." He repeated firmly.

How could Izuku be ready when he had never used more than two fingers to stretch him? The omega maybe was ready mentally, but definitely not physically. Having his first time with an alpha was no joke, especially when Eijiro was by no means small. He needed to train Izuku's body before the omega could take him without feeling any pain.

"Don't think you know better than me when you're only a pup. You know nothing about real sex." Eijiro said in a condescending tone. "If I tell you you're not ready, then you're not ready." He declared firmly, his dominant tone not allowing any discussion.

His words were final. He wouldn't change his mind and Izuku seemed to understand the message clearly.

"Fine." He answered with tears welling inside his emerald eyes. Swallowing back his sobs, he got away from Eijiro and wasted no time finding his bag where he had put his phone and clothes. He felt way too hurt and ashamed to stay in Eijiro's place any longer. He wanted to leave far away and cry all the tears he had in his bed.

"Izuku..." Eijiro tried to stop him but Izuku didn't let him. "Don't touch me!" The tiny omega pulled away from Eijiro's touch. "If you think I'm not ready then I'm going home! I don't want to see you anymore!" He exclaimed before leaving the penthouse, not looking behind him even once as he did.

It had taken him a lot of courage to tell Eijiro that he was ready, but the way Eijiro had reacted, treating him like a kid, had hurt Izuku way more than he would admit. He felt unwanted and mocked. His chest was hurting from Eijiro's rejection.

His pride was hurt but, more than anything, his heart was broken.

"Shit." Meanwhile, Eijiro cursed under his breath before burying his face into his hands. He knew he had screwed up. He should have found another way to tell Izuku that he wasn't ready, but the way Izuku had raised his voice had made him lose patience too.

Now, they both couldn't take back what they had said. Eijiro could only hope that Izuku would calm down soon enough so that they could have a real conversation where they both listened to each other.

To be continued

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