Chapter 17| Reunited

Comincia dall'inizio

Susie: Yeah we better find her.

Magnus: Just let us know if you need any help.

Kris, Ralsei and Susie walk around looking for Noelle and Berdly, they ask people they see if they seen a blue bird and a reindeer, but no one has seen them. After splitting up and joining back no one of them were able to find them. They were all very worried especially Susie.

Susie: Oh god, what if we don't find them, what if they're....

Kris: Hey, snap out of it, don't think those thoughts. Ralsei use your location spell.

Ralsei: Huh? oh, yeah.

Ralsei uses the locate spell on Noelle but it nothing appeared, he tried it again but nothing popped up.

Ralsei: Strange, she should have popped up by now.

Susie: What if they're dead, no, please, no no no no no.

Ralsei: Hey, everything is going to be ok we'll go to Harold maybe he can help us.

Susie: Ok, god I hope nothing bad has happened to them.

Kris, Ralsei and Susie walk over to the building past the gold gate. Magnus lets them in and they go into the building. Everyone could be seen talking about what to do, Richard sees them enter and ask if they are alright.

Richard: Back so soon? is everything alright?

Ralsei: We can find our two friends.

Harold: Was it Noelle and Berdly?

Susie: Yeah...

Ralsei: We can't find them anywhere.

Harold: Did you use your locate spell?

Ralsei: Yeah, but nothing popped up.

Harold: Strange.

Ralsei: Can you use yours?

Harold: Everyone's locate spell is the same, no matter how elite you are. It should also pop up no matter how far away they are.

Richard: The only way they can't show up is if they are elite, dead, or imprisoned behind anti-location walls.

Harold: But anti-location walls are very hard to make, you need a lot of energy and time as they take 1 week to properly work.

Susie: Oh god, that means, they're.....

Harold: Don't worry Susie, they aren't dead.

Susie: B-but you said....

Harold: In my castle I have anti-location walls but only for the very dangerous so no one could find where they are and free them. So they're probably in secure containment in my castle.

Ralsei: So they have been captured by the "prince"?

Richard: Sounds like it!

Kris: But why would they want them?

Harold: I did tell you that the "Prince" will imprison anyone if they look weird.

Susie: So what i'm hearing is, we go to your castle to free them and kill the "Prince".

Ralsei: Kill? what about talking to him?

Susie: Screw that! they took our friends!

Richard: Well before we storm the castle we should prepare as the "Princes" guards are highly well trained.

Casmir: I think we should make a plan as I think it would be easier, come sit down and we'll begin to discuss.

Everyone sits down and begins to plan an action to storm the castle. After going back and forth they finally come up with a plan.

Casmir: So the plan is have we walk up to the gate and knock it down, that should then attract all of the guards with the Duke going with them. That's when Harold talks to the Duke and hopefully convinces him that he's changed if not we attack all of them. If the talking is successful the Duke will lower his guards and we go talk to the "Prince". If not then we go to the prison first, release your friends then go talk to the "Prince". Everyone ok with that?

Harold: Yep!

Ralsei: What if there are more guards than we think?

Casmir: There won't be! there's going to be 9 of us.

Ralsei: 9? But there is only 7 of us here.

Casmir: I know but we'll bring Magnus and Theo as well because I think they will help greatly.

Richard: Yeah! there's no way we can lose!

Louis: Yeah! not with all 9 of us!

Ralsei: You all sound very excited!

Casmir: We haven't done this in years! it's exciting to show our full powers once again!

Ralsei: Hey! hopefully you don't as I don't want to fight ourselves through this.

Casmir: Fine, but that's plan B.

Ralsei: Good.

Richard: We all ready?

Kris: Do Magnus and Theo know how to fight?

Casmir: Yep! I trained them myself.

Kris: Great!

Richard: We all ready and know the plan?

All of them agree to the plan and leave the building. When they leave the gold gates Magnus and Theo are surprised with all of them coming out of the gate.

Magnus: Oh my days, all of you are leaving, what's the special occasion?

Richard: We are going to raid the castle and you two are coming with us.

Theo: Us!? why?

Casmir: We need you, and it's the way you'll get your promotion.

Magnus: A promotion? it's an honour to work with you all!

Harold teleports them all to the castle where they are standing in front of the castle's gate.

Casmir: Everyone ready?

Magnus: Yes sir!

Casmir: Great! then let's overthrow this bastard!


Wow a short one, only because I want the fight to be in a different chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading this sort chapter.

See you next chapter :)

Blu out.     

Paradise (Deltarune) (KrisxRalsei)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora