Chapter 21

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"why dose he have this obnoxious thing if he has no reason to use it" I grumbled and yanked the cord of the alarm clock a little too hard. The cord flew out of the plug and fell on the floor as I cocooned my self further into the sweater I borrowed(stole) from carlisle. The quiet didn't last long due to the fact it sounded like the rest of the residents that lived in the house were having a party down stairs.

Being a vampire/wolf hybrid sucked right about now. I could hear EVERYTHING. Emmett's video games were on full volume, Esme struggle to get Dean moving, Rose and Edward fight about God knows what, and Eliot playing queen on the Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen. I sighed and decided to fight the headache and go down stairs.

"whoa, you look like shit" Emmett said as my eyes egusted. to the light and I tried to wake up. I snapped my head towards him and rolled my eyes. "thanks! And watch your mouth around my son" I said motioning towards Dean who was eating the pancakes Esme made him.

I sighed and grabbed the advil out of the cabinet. I downed the drugs and placed my hand on my forehead. "umm can one of you guys take Dean to school on your way to yours?"

"of course me and Jasper would love to" Alice beamed. "no me and rose want to!" Emmett yelled. I winced at the sound of their shouting. "I don't care who takes him as long as all his pieces remain intact and he gets to school and back safely."

"you don't feel good momma?" dean asked giving me a hug and hiding his face in my(carlisle) sweater. I ruffled his hair. "just a cold kiddo I'm fine"

I kissed his head and gave him his backpack. "did carlisle already leave for work?" Esme nodded as Eliot gave her a hug goodbye.

"I'll make sure you get a sub for your class you should stay home... You've had a very eventful month" Eliot said.

I shook my head. "I never said I was skipping work" Eliot rolled his eyes. "think of your self for once.. Your a newly changed vampire you basically got rejected by your pack and you work like hell so please stay home"

I groaned and bummed my throbbing forehead on Esme's shoulder. "whatever"


"hello love" carlisle said crawling into bed with me and hugging me from behind. "are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I said softly. He sighed hovered over me. "talk to me" his gold eyes laced with concern. "I-I just don't feel myself... Especially after what happened with Sam and the pack.... I feel selfish right now I missed a hole day of teaching and I haven't spent any time today with Dean."

"it's okay Love.. When was the last time you actually relaxed?" I shrugged. "and as for the pack just give it some time... It can only get better" he said pecking my lips. I slightly smiled and ruffled his blonde hair. He laughed and shook his head.

"what was that for?" I rolled my eyes. "because you always have it styled and it's fun messing it up" before he could protest or have a comment back there was a knock on the door.

"hay momma, you feeling better?" he asked crawling on the bed and laying down on the other side of me. "I am now, I got my two favorite boys"

"what about us?!" I hear Emmett shouted. Man vampire hearing is a gift and a curse. "yes, you two Emmett and along with your brothers and the girls."

"you shouldn't have favorites momma, especially if the others call you momma bear now and your kinda like their parent"

"when did you get so smart your like only in kindergarten" he struggled and grabbed the remote. "can we watch a movie?"

"you got homework?" I asked as carlisle pulled off his shoes and dress shirt leaving him on his jeans and white t-shirt.

"Jasper and Alice helped me with it" he said going on Disney plus and playing Wandavision. Carlisle sighed and snuggled to my side. "Between you two and Emmett I have "it was Agatha all along" song stuck in my head. I looked over to him and smiled.

"pour baby" I teased as he sighed and rested his arm over his eyes. "oh yeah" carlisle said looking at me.

"there's a thunder storm tomorrow" I raised and eyebrow. "you feel like playing some baseball with us?"

"why tomorrow?"

"it's the only time we can play... You'll see why" he smiled. Well tomorrow should be.... Interesting.

Rewrite The Stars (carlisle Cullen) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon