Chapter 20

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(3rd pov)

It's been a month since ruby's been changed. Her and Dean practically lived there now and she finally went back home after some convincing from carlisle. She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door with close behind. The now wolf/vampire hybrid was faced with the hole pack and Emily.

As she walked in Seth ran to her and gave her a big hug. She immediately hugged her little brother back fighting back the tears. Seeing her little brother again felt so great. "where the hell have you've been!?" paul practically barked.

"we where worried sick" Emily sighed.

"I'm sorry guys i-" ruby began but her sister came in cutting her off.

"no you have some explaining to do" Leah said crossing her arms. It was no lie Leah knew about the situation before the pack did because she over heard Seth and ruby so many months ago. She was angry at ruby leaving for a mouth but at the same time she was scared ruby and Dean got hurt so she told Sam.

"I don't know what your talking about" ruby stuttered.

"oh cut the crap Ruby we can smell the leaches all over you and dean" Sam butted in.

Ruby looked down her body practically shaking as her fear spiked. This didn't go unnoticed to Seth. He stood in front of her ready to defend her. "Sam calmed down its not that big of a de-"

"you knew about this didn't you?" Sam asked as his rage got worse and worse.

"hay! Don't you dare yell at him!" ruby shouted.

"answer the damn question! Where were you!" Sam shouted making ruby trimble even more. She back up against the wall shaking as she fought back the tears.

"me and Dean were with the Cullens" she whimpered.

Sam and Paul shared looks "why were you with them Ruby" Paul asked a little more calmer than Sam but still shared the same rage.

"I imprinted on one of them" ruby said crossing her arms and pressed her back further into the wall trying hide from there rath. She looked down and stared sobbing. she covered her eyes in her sleeved covered palms. "I'm sorry"

Sam stepped forward but was stopped when Emily grabbed his arm. She was terrified about what was about to come. She was happy that Ruby found someone but she new the pack would only see the fact she fell for the enemy.

"who was it Ruby?" Embry asked.

"carlisle.." she admitted with her face still hidden in her sleeves.

"you realize what you did right?" Paul asked.

Ruby uncovered face and looked at the pack with pure hate. "you know we have no control over who we imprint on!"

"He's the enemy!" Sam shouted

"and you can't hurt him!" ruby shouted. Sam stepped forward but Seth put his arm in front of her pushing her back.

"it's the most important law we have... You can't hurt another wolf's imprint and if that's not good enough for you then if you kill him you'll have to kill me too"

"why would you put your life on the line for him?" Paul asked. "what about Dean huh? What if one of those leaches hurt him!"

"because I love him and his family! And they would never hurt dean"

The pack was all furious. If Sam told the truth that lied deep down in him he would say he is scared for her. Sam saw ruby as a little sister and he loved Dean like a son or nephew. he didn't want to see a vampire hurt them. The truth of the hole matter only angered him making him taking it out on her. He only hope what Leah told him was a lie but it was all true.

"you broke the treaty too, didn't you? Has he been in our territory?" Sam asked.

"no he hasn't been here at all" ruby lied as tears were now soaking her cheeks and the front of her hoodie. Ruby then looked up at Sam for the first time and locked eyes with him. He stepped back clinching his fist. He now saw her one red eye and one gold eye. "your one of them now"

Ruby shook her head slightly. "I can still phase into a wolf... My heart is still beating, I'm still human"

"no your not" Paul butted in. "you lost that when you let him sink his teeth into you"

"carlisle saved my life.. The vampire that's been doing all the killing around town got me and practically destroyed me" ruby said looking dead into Sam's eyes. She was so scared as she looked into his cold brown eyes.

He wanted to rip every single one of the Cullen's heads off but at the same time he was eternally grateful for carlisle saving her. He was grateful beyond compared that she was standing right in front of him living and still breathing. Hell he was so glad that the vampire venom didn't change her completely. She still had her pinkish cheeks and still had regular body temperature.

His anger and wolf instincts got the best of him. He refused to let himself see passed all of this. In his eyes she was putting herself in the pack in danger but in reality that was fare from the truth.

"you need to leave Ruby" Sam said.

"Sam no" Seth pleaded.

"sammy" Emily said trying to turn him from ruby but failed.

"Sam I'm so s-" Ruby said but was shouted at.

"get out before I lose my temper!" Sam yelled.

Ruby quickly jerked the door open and and slammed it closed. She quickly put her hood up and used her vampire speed and ran to the woods passing the boarder back into the Cullen's territory. She zoomed to the water fall that she knew too well and climbed up the giant rock wall that was connected to it.

She quickly fell to her butt and pulled her knees to her chest. She let out a sob and rocked back and forth. She knew her Family and pack would never except her relationship but this also proved something she always told herself: everyone leaves her.

She was so afraid that carlisle wouldn't want her because she was a wolf but now, even if she doesn't want to admit it she was afraid the Cullens would leave her too.

As she set there with her knees to her chest and she face hidden in her legs someone came up next to her and wrapped his arms around her. "what happened Darling?"

She looked up at carlisle and sighed. "they found out... I don't know what there gonna to do but I think they kicked me out of the pack"

"I'm sorr-"

"I'm more worried about what they're gonna do to you..what if they hurt you?" ruby asked cutting him off.

"nothing bad will happen I promise" carlisle said pulling her into his lap and hugging her tight.

"are you sure this is what you want?" ruby asked.

Carlisle looked at her almost hurt at her question. "of course... I love you, you and Dean both. You guys are my world now, why are you asking this?"

"because after to day the pack made me realize something" she cried then looked away from his gold eyes. "everyone always leaves me"

Carlisle placed his fingers under her chin and raised her head up so their eyes met. "I promise I'll never leave you and dean. I'll protect you both the rest of our lives"

As there eyes met the sun peaked out from behind the clouds and shined on the two making them both sparkle like diamonds. He cupped her cheek and placed a kiss on her lips."you so beautiful" he said softly.

"I Love You"

"I love you too Rue" he said smiling and resting his forehead on hers.

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