Chapter 15

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The next day she woke up in her bed. Carlisle obviously took her home after she fell asleep at the house. It was probably a good idea because her parents were due back home that day and they probably wanted her home. She sat up in her bed and saw both Dean and their dog bucky fast asleep next to her. She smiled and climbed out of bed.

She decided to let them sleep and get ready for the school day.


"okay I have a theory" Eliot Said walking out of the school with Ruby. "let me hear it" she sighed knowing that it wouldn't be good.

"you know how Edward can't read bella's thoughts"

"yeah..." she said not completely ready for his reasoning.

"what if she just doesn't have any" he said. "has he considered that fact that he can't read her thoughts because she just doesn't have any"

"thats the best you got?" ruby laughed. "I mean your not wrong but still" Eliot shrugged and climbed in his motorcycle.

"all I know is that I don't want to have deal with her again" Eliot admit. "you know she's not going anywhere" Eliot nodded he was about to say something when ruby's phone went off. "what was that?"

"Esme asking if she could pick Dean up from school and take him your guy's house" ruby said. "man, she loves that kid" Eliot smiles. Since Dean didn't go to school on the reservation any of the Cullens were free to pick Dean up without breaking any laws or treaties.

"by the way" Eliot smirked. "where did you and carlisle sneak off to yesterday?"

"none of your business" ruby blushed. "well he is old school, so I doubt anything exciting happened" that when ruby pushed him off his bike. He landed on the parking lot concrete in a fit of laughter. "okay, okay I'm sorry"

"mhm.. Sure" she started to walk off. "I gotta go to the store so I'll see you all tonight"

"okay, see ya"


Later that night she didn't see the point of talking a car so she shifted into her wolf form and ran over to the treaty line. When she got in the Cullen's taritory she silently walked a normal pase. She then heard a snap making her ears perk up. She looked around as the wind blew her white and black fur.

The snaps got louder in till she was face to face with a woman with red hair and eyes. She let out a growl and charged at her. The woman jumped up in one of the trees then landed in ruby's fur back. The woman didn't waist any time wrapping her arms around the wolf and squeezing. Ruby let out a whimper as she heard her bones cracking. Her paws went slack and slid in the dirt as her legs went limp. She fell to the ground ans slowly phased back to her human form.

The red woman slyly smirked and kicked ruby making her roll to her back. Her red eyes never left the young mother as she bit into her wrist making her pack tattoo disappear in a puddle of blood. She went to the next wrist than her neck. The nomad woman didn't drink her dry nor fill her with venom just left her there as blood leaked out from between her lips and the places she was bit.

The only thing that was on her mind was Dean. She couldn't leave him now. She tried to craw away but it was no use. Memories of her son and siblings ran through her head in till all she saw was black.

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