Chapter 1

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he mist coated the windows and the rain softly hit the roof of the Clearwater home. Ruby was the oldest of three, has a son, and basically kept everything running. Her father Harry was gone with her Uncle Billy and Charlie most of the time and her mother Sue was always somewhere else for work or somewhere on the other side of the reservation.

The home was peaceful most of the time full of love like Most families but Ruby always felt more responsibilities being dumped on her plate. The responsibilities never bothered her she like taking care of her brother Seth and be there for her sister Leah and of course her son Dean was her number one priority. But part of her felt more like a mother to the her siblings more than a sister.
Even with the pack, her and Emily always seemed to cook, clean and take care of the young wolves.

Her morning always started like this: her head on top of a sketch book or graded papers and what ever marvel move she fell asleep too running its credits through. She would always forget to turn off her TV so it never failed to wake her up. Her routine started with putting what ever clothes were clean, which normally consisted of a flannel, ripped jeans, and a iron man shirt.

Ruby looked over to her bed expecting to see her son Dean curled up in her comforter but he wasn't. She quietly walked down the stairs not to wake up her siblings and Son then went into the kitchen to make breakfast. As she cracked the eggs and waited for them to cook she slipped on her Converse and got her backpack ready for school. She was a math and English teacher at forks high. She became a teacher at age 20 due to graduating early and being extremely smart.

She stood at the stove silently frying bacon. Her anxiety seemed to spike everytime she glanced at the clock. The closer the hand on the clock got closer to the seven the more nervous she got. She didn't dare tell anyone of course because she didn't like making her problems known. She also felt like she didn't have anyone to tell. She had so many people in her life that had her back but inside she felt totally and utterly alone. And in the end her son was way more important than herself.

She sighed and loaded her siblings and Son's plates with eggs and bacon. She let out a grumble and set the plates of food on the table.

"breakfast is ready!" she shouted up the stairs. Ten minutes later no response. "guys come one you need to eat and get ready for school!" she shouted again. Seth was first down and quickly gave ruby and hug and sat the table.

Leah came down last. "good morning Lee" she was still hurting about the break up with Sam and it was just making everyone miserable. Ruby tried to be a good sister and be there for her but Leah always pushed her away. The only time Leah seemed to be happy was when she was with Dean.

Leah didn't answer just sat down and started eating. Ruby sighed and ran up the stairs to her son's room. Dean shared a room with Seth. They had a pretty impressive bunk bed set up and the room showed both of there personalities. "come on bub, time to get ready for school, you got that field trip today remember?" she said rubbing his back. He groaned and rolled off the bed.

"breakfast is on the table kiddo" she said walking out of the room. Ruby rolled her eyes at her sister for her negative behavior towards their brother and grabbed her son's Pokémon backpack and sat it next to her own. "mom said she'll be home around eight or nine"

"have a good day at school Deano!" Seth called out to her son as they walked out the door. "hay momma" dean spoke after ruby closed the door. It was raining so Dean and her immediately pulled their hoods over their brown hair.

"hay what?" I smiled. "race ya!" he giggled and splashed into the growing puddles as he raced for his mother's car.

She huffed and raced to him to the car as the down pour hit her skin. She quickly slipped in side of her 58 Plymouth fury after her son.
Both of their hair and jeans damp. She let out another laugh as her son before starting the engine queuing the guns n Roses tape that was in the player.

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