It was Hogsmeade weekend the following day.

Harry had reminded Cordelia about their date after practices the previous night.

Cordelia got dressed in the black sweater Narcissa had knitted for her, a black straight skirt with frills at the bottom and her black leather coat that was gifted to her by Sirius and Remus. It was rather cold for it being only mid October.

She put on a pair of black tights and knee high black boots. She was rather bundled up. Having worn a warm high-neck underneath the sweater. She didn't want to but the wind made her put on a black beret cap and a pair of black gloves. She looked like she was attending a funeral in this cold weather.

"The cap looks funny" Cordelia complained when she met up with Harry outside the portrait of the fat lady.

"No, you look cute" Harry gave her cheek a quick kiss before they left for Hogsmeade together.

Cordelia had missed breakfast because she didn't want to wake up early. So she was quite hungry.

"Couldn't have picked a better day for a date" Cordelia gave Harry a sarcastic smile as the harsh cold winds slapped against their faces.

"Yeah, I couldn't have" Harry grinned smugly before bringing Cordelia in for a side hug, trying to warm her up.

"Very funny" Cordelia blushed, but it was hard to tell.

Their first stop was Honeydukes. They wanted to bask in the warmth that the store provided, more than the candies.

Unfortunately for them, Harry bumped into his two Gryffindor friends there. Granger and Weasley.

Lucky for Cordelia, Slughorn was there too.

He approached the two when he saw them together.

"I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries here but am I wrong in saying that the two of you are enjoying a date together?" He laughed at their flushed faces.

"Let me not ruin it. But Harry, my boy, you cannot keep running away. You have missed three of my invites already and made Ms.Black miss one as well." Slughorn said to Harry.

"Oh, I don't intend to sir but quidditch practices...." Harry tried to come up with a good lie. But failed.

"I know, I know, how about Monday? I know you don't have any practices then" Slughorn suggested.

"Oh, I have lessons with Dumbledore, sir" Harry smiled, as of almost relieved that he had lessons to attend.

Cordelia raised her brows when she heard Harry tell Slughorn about his lessons.... she had no idea about them.

"Ah well, saved again. But I'll have you one day. I look forward to seeing you Ms.Black..... Granger" Slughorn acknowledged before going away.

"Why don't I know about these lessons?" Cordelia questioned once Slughorn left.

"I'll tell you, but not here" Harry gave her a small smile.

Harry tried to persuade Cordelia into picking up a bunch of sweets and letting him pay for them.

"But I only want a few sherbert lemons" Cordelia laughed at Harry’s defeated face as he payed only for one packet of sherberts.

The two left the candy store and went inside The Three Broomsticks.

Harry bought them two butterbeers and set them down in front of Cordelia.

As he sat down beside her and turned towards her, he felt Cordelia's lips against his. It was a short kiss because of all the eyes staring towards them.

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