Chapter 20

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Xiao Zhan POV

We stayed in the hospital. The doctor told us that mom was not confident about the surgery and she keeps tell that she had done everything in life and also  she has nothing to see so she can die in peace. Doctor also told us if she gives up on herself then the hopes will decrease eventually. "If she does not wanna live and gives up during the surgery then there is no way we can save her" he said to us. 

We did not know what to do. Well it was only me and dad so we were a bit mature and we knew what we should do. Yibo was with mom helping her. We were also a bit relived that yibo did not hear it cause he would make a big deal out of it. 

Mom and I are in the room and I am taking care of her. Dad is at office and yibo went to buy some things. 

"Zhan I have done what I had now, my responsibility is done, now I can be at ease" She said.

"Don't worry the surgery will go well" I said.

"Umm, Zhan now you are incharge and I trust you" she said

"Mom I know you think I can do it but you don't know I can never take your place." I said
"Zhan I have already done my responsibilities now there is nothing left for me to see and experience. But I have one thing to ask you. Please take care of my family." She said.
"Mom who said you have seen everything .and your responsibility is done you have still not taken one responsibility." I said.
"What responsibility???" She asked
" Responsibility of a ..."

We decided to stay here with mom as mom asked both of us to stay here. We are getting ready to sleep.
"Zhan can I hug you and sleep" yibo asked.
I spread my arms for him and he happily came and hugged me. Actually today is the first day we talked so much to each other.
"Zhan I am scared" yibo said.
"Why" I asked thought I know the reason.
"I am scared I will lose her" he said.
"Yibo let's trust the doctor ok. And let's trust mom as well ok" I said
"Umm" he replied.
"Zhan can we be friends" he asked. I was surprised at first but then I asked.
"After knowing you and staying with you I got to know that you are not the way I thought." He said.
I just looked at him."you know I had a reason at that time. When I was in high school I dated a girl and I thought I liked her but she treated me like an ATM and then I thought everyone is like that" he continued.
" But I saw you have friends?" I asked. If he thought everyone was like her than does his friends not count.
"They are my only friends and we knew each other from childhood" he said. Now I know why he is always cold towards others.
"You still love her" I asked.
"I never loved her. I just liked her but also teenage like" he said.
"Ohh" I replied.
"Everyone has someone like that okay it's not like it is only me Zhan didn't you have someone like that" he asked.
I smiled "I had" I said. "Let's sleep we have to go to class tomorrow" I said.
I don't wanna go to the past. I hate my past.
"Zhan then we are friends right?" He asked. Breaking the hug and looking at me.
"Umm" I replied. This time he pulled  me towards his making me lay my head on his chest and hugged me.
"Good night 🌃" he said.
"Good night"I replied. And then we😴😴😴

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