chapter 18

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Xiao zhan pov

I dont know why I was hoping him to change his thought. I thought he had changed and he knows What type of person I am but still to my disappointment he still thinks the same forget it I have nothing to say to him. I don't even know why my tears are falling like this I don't know why. I went to the guest room and slept there. I don't wanna see him. 

Yibo's Pov

I am regretting what I just said. I was just angry do you know how much effort I had kept in that flower and then when I saw the pic I felt like throwing the flower but I did not as I know mom will be disappointed if I did so. I kept the flower.  But when I hear him saying is it for me I knew he liked it and was happy to see it. I could see sparkles in his eyes like a kid who got his favorite toy. I knew that he will like it. It was so beautiful. Mom had told me that it was zhan's  favorite flower.

But then when I remembered about the pic I could not control my anger. then I just spoke with out thinking and I know it is a mistake. I wanted to apologize for what I did. I could see tears in his eyes when he left the room where there was happiness some minutes ago. 

I am sure he is crying right now. I had even seen him blushing at that time when I said the rose was for him but now I don't know what to do. I have made my mind I will say sorry to Zhan tomorrow.

The next day I went down. After getting up. " Mom, dad where is Zhan" I asked. "He said he will go early today" She replied. "Did something happened yibo I saw that Zhan's eye is swollen and he came out of the guest room " she asked. 

"We had a fight" I replied. I ate my breakfast and went to university. when I reached there my friends were already waiting for me. 

"Bro you know Zhan is single" Lu said.                                                                                                                         "What do you mean" I asked.                                                                                                                                           "Yesterday xuan said that it is true that he is dating someone but it is not Zhan and asked people to not talk bad about Zhan. He also said Zhan is his really good friend and if someone dared to hurt him they had to deal with him. He also reveled that Zhan was helping him in his relationship " Yang replied.                                                                                                                                    "What do you mean by talking bad" I asked.                                                                                                              "Oh, you don't know bro there were some people attacking him saying he was behind money and let me tell you there words were damn harsh." Lu said.                                                                              "Not to mention that Zhan had red eye when we saw him in the morning." He said making me feel more guilty. why did I not control my anger and let it take over me. 

we went to the class but as I was a little late today the teacher was already there and asked us to take our seat. During the class I looked at Zhan who seemed to be lost in his world.

After the class there was a brake and I wanted to talk to Zhan. "Zhan can I have a talk to you" I said. making everyone as well as my friends shocked as I do not talk to other people so much. "I don't wanna talk"  He replied. "But I wanted to apologize for.." Before I could complete both our phone buzzed. I picked up and so did he as it was from home. After listening to what happened both our face became pale then we run together from the class. well zhan was literally pulling me as I was frozen for some time but when I got back to my sense I held his hand and started running all I had in my mind was 'mom'                     

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